Activities of "shijo"


It working now.

yes now it is working.

Try again. Thanks

Can you try again? The site was just under maintenance.

tried, same error.

You can copy from abp new Akadimi-v 6.0.1 -t app-pro

Yes it is working. Thanks.

abp new Akadimi-v 6.0.1 -t app-pro

with this command I am getting this file, but our project is generated with below command, and here I cannot see any Themes folder inside authserver project. How to do that ? Footer is appearing in Authserver Login page that does not exist in Authserver project. abp new Akadimi -v 6.0.1 -t app-pro -u angular --separate-auth-server


Does your project has the Themes\LeptonX\Layouts\Account?

No, How to get this ?

The issue has been solved, Minor correction on your answer, when you debug the application with Linux docker container and Visual Studio, path for $HOME is /root not /home/user. I copied access-token.bin file from %UserProfile%\.abp\cli\ to folder D:\\POCs\\token and mapped volume in launchSettings.json Docker section DockerfileRunArguments -v D:\\POCs\\token:/root/.abp/cli.

"Docker": { "commandName": "Docker", "launchBrowser": true, "launchUrl": "{Scheme}://{ServiceHost}:{ServicePort}", "DockerfileRunArguments": "-v D:\\POCs\\token:/root/.abp/cli", "publishAllPorts": true, "useSSL": true }

I am running this in Development Mode. I am debugging the application with Docker container in Development mode

Application breaking in await app.InitializeApplicationAsync(); line

Working fine.. Thanks.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13