Ends in:
22 HRS
12 MIN
36 SEC
Ends in:
0 D
22 H
12 M
36 S

Activities of "sinan"

Did you import ThemeSharedModule?

Hi can you try to replace displayTextResolver as follows

For; Allow Client Credentials Flow

displayTextResolver: data => {
return data

And Allow Device Endpoint

displayTextResolver: data => {
return data

to be honest i didn't understand your case exactly. How can i produce it

Unable to upload profile picture Angular Project in My Account --> Profile Picture:

First experienced in our app, then replicated issue in scratch 7.3.2 project.

Error in browser

core.mjs:10171 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement') 
    at volo-abp.ng.account-public.mjs:1758:60 
    at timer (zone.js:2367:41) 
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:402:31) 
    at core.mjs:25893:55 
    at AsyncStackTaggingZoneSpec.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:25893:36) 
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:401:60) 
    at Object.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:26194:33) 
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:401:60) 
    at Zone.runTask (zone.js:173:47) 
    at invokeTask (zone.js:483:34) 

Hi can you add this code as a workaround, dont forget to delete when updated to 7.4

    import { ProfilePictureComponent } from '@volo/abp.ng.account/public';
    import Cropper from 'cropperjs/dist/cropper.esm.js';
    path: 'account',
    loadChildren: () =>
      import('@volo/abp.ng.account/public').then(m => {
        ProfilePictureComponent.prototype.onSelectImage = async function (file:File) {
          this.selectedImage = await this.toBase64(file);
          if (this.cropper) this.cropper.destroy();
          const previewSizes = [250, 150, 75];
          const setImgUrls = () => {
            this.selectedImagePreviews.forEach((el, i) => {
              const width = previewSizes[i];
              el.nativeElement.src = this.cropper.getCroppedCanvas({ width, height: width }).toDataURL();
          this.cropper = new Cropper(this.selectedImgRef.nativeElement, {
            aspectRatio: 1,
            viewMode: 1,
            cropend: () => setImgUrls(),
            ready: () => setImgUrls(),

        return m.AccountPublicModule.forLazy()

i have tested your case but couldn't produce, it worked fine.

Maybe you can check the following codes from abp

When i have logged out my hasAccesToken is becomes false. Please make sure your in oauthService logout function works properly.

Unfortunately If i can't produce it locally i cant help you.

Yes, we have implemented in Angular

Set ClockOptions kind to UTC

Configure<AbpClockOptions>(options =>
    options.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc;

If you implement the above code you will see on the ui. you can read more about timing in abp

By the way i will create documentation for time zone feature asap. Thank you for the awareness

Hi linhhn, we have added AccountEditFormPropContributors and new props can be added without localization problem. It will be usable in 7.4 final.

But i couldn't add new field as a extra property therefore i couldn't produce localization problem on extra properties, can you help me on producing the problem?

Hi, We have created an pull request about this issue, it will be fixed in 7.4 patch

Thank you for reporting

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 05, 2024, 12:19