Activities of "surajlokhandemmew"

I tried following ti but getting errors as below

and how which method should i override to check for the user role and throw exception.?

yes i have created different roles, person with app_user role should not be able to login in backoffice only in flutter

can't do that right now , will do tomorrow but meanwhile i need one help. i am having flutter app and this mvc as backoffice since permissions are shared app users can log in into backoffice , how can i avoid it?

hi please can you help there is not known step to reproduce it, I just followed this after that i was not able to add mongodb as provider so i uninstalled the package and since that i am getting this error while running db migrator

I had tried to install hangfire then it ddidnt work and since that time i am getting this error after removing hangfire.

hi initially it was wrong question, please answer what to do with this error?


Sorry, my bad.

Should be IOptions<IdentityOptions> not IOptions<AbpIdentityOptions>

working thanks a lot

i am getting this error : using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

Options must be derived from the Volo.Abp.Options.AbpDynamicOptionsManager`1!",

why this api (await _identityUserManager.AddPasswordAsync (userdetails,input.Password)).CheckErrors(); is asking for a password with non alphanumeric and upper case character when i have disabled it in settings.

does usermanager need ay permission?? and its this class right? IdentityUserManager

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