okay will try that , also i have query like to update password and phone confirmation property etc. i am using below snippet but its throwing exception
using private readonly IIdentityUserAppService _identityUserRepository;
await _identityUserRepository.UpdatePasswordAsync(userdetails.Id, identityUserUpdatePasswordInput);
no i resolved the error basically had to turn on websocket in IIS, but as this question is already raised i am having another issue , can i ask here or should i raise another question??
Okay thanks a lot for your prompt reply.
i tried that , didn't work, creating a self signed certificate installed it with the key still there was same error. anyways what's the difference in both procedures? any security flaw?
it should be documented right? why giving me ref from SO, anyways site is working now will test thoroughly and let you know.
yes thhe file is there still getting same error. can you take remote access and solve as its on high priority now
Hi that file is there , please confirm i should be generating that using this righht? dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep openiddict.pfx -p 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 then i have followed same steps i had succesfully hosted same setup earlier , just missing some thing at this time or dont know