Everyone in our organisation seems unable to login to the ABP CLI.
Getting different errors: "Could not get token from the OpenId Connect server! ErrorType: Http. Error: Unauthorized. ErrorDescription: The 'client_secret' parameter is not valid for this client application.. HttpStatusCode: Unauthorized"
"Could not retrieve the OpenId Connect discovery document! ErrorType: Http. Error: Error connecting to https://account.abp.io/.well-known/openid-configuration: Internal Server Error"
Can you see if there is any problems with our organisation or accounts in it?
From Eric, Webking
Hi, it's still doesnt work for us. I use: "abp login <username> -p <password>"
I'm not able to use abp update either. We also having problems reaching your website from time to time.
We are having a problem when using payments and subscriptions through google and apple. When these editions ends and we try to change a edition manually in the angular application there seem to be an error. Because no editions shows up in the dropdown. Like in the pictures. If I look in the database the user still has an edition and enddate. But if I try to change on a user who doesnt have any edition or enddate it works as expected.
If I set an edition to a tenant by myself the tenant doesnt get an expire date. And then I can change to what ever again. So after my testing the problem seem to be connected with the expire date.
From Eric, Webking
I'm having the exact same problem, I made it work with abp suite to generate UIs with angular 14 installed. But then other packages did break.