*** ABP Framework version: v4.3.2
when use abp suite to Generator CRUD Page, when define a navigation property, if we choose UI pick type as "Modal", the tool finished generator the code .
but when run the application, nothing happen when click the"Pick" button
I use abp suite to create a module solution(use EF as database), with some reason,I delete the database. but when I use update-database command to produce the database,there has nothing in the abpUses table, so I can't login the system and can't debug the solution. Please help me how to manual add seed to the database?
I want to use tui-grid in my project, so I run cmd
npm install --save tui-grid
in the web project,then I run cmd
but I can't see any tui-grid file in the libs, please help me how to copy tui-grid to my libs path?
for example, I create a standalone module ZSHTech.DataDictionary in E:\abp商业版开发软件\模块\数据字典
and I also create ZSHTech.IPMS application use abp suite in E:\abp商业版开发软件\基建项目管理软件
and I want to use my own standalone module ZSHTech.DataDictionary in my application ZSHTech.IPMS,
so I enter the folder E:\abp商业版开发软件\基建项目管理软件 and run cmd:
abp add-module ZSHTech.DataDictionary -s ..\模块\数据字典\src\ZSHTech.DataDictionary.Web\ZSHTech.DataDictionary.Web.csproj
but I got a wrong msg:
ERROR: 'ZSHTech.DataDictionary' module could not be found!
my question is : how to add local module to abp application use abo cli cmd? thanks
please add this feature in the next version,thanks
I need upload file(like pdf,doc,zip file) in toastui-editor, how to add a file upload button in the toolbar and write the event? please help me.
I want to link to a file have uploaded to FileManager Module for example ,I have uploaded a file name "有害垃圾.docx" to FileManager
now In tui.Editor, I want insert a link when I click "Insert link" button
how to write the URL in the picture?
thank you @cotur. for now, I can't get the Id of the file have uploaded to FileManager Module directly, So I want to add a CopyUrl method to achieve my request. thanks.
hi @cotur, how to overriding DownloadAsync method of FileDescriptorController controller? I don't want to change the source code of FileManager Module.