I want to change the href of the logo on the top left of my abp solution. At the I am using javascript to change the href of the class "navbar-brand" but I don't like doing this incase the name of the class changes in an update. Is there any easier why to change this reference?
4 Answer(s)
Hi @jtallon
Can you answer the foıllowing questions so that we can help you better:
Which UI framework are you using?
What is the version of ABP packages?
Hi @Mehmet
I am using version 4.2 and MVC razor pages
hi @jtallon
You can override the
to change thehref
@using Volo.Abp.Ui.Branding @inject IBrandingProvider BrandingProvider <a class="navbar-brand" href="~/" alt="@BrandingProvider.AppName"></a>
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