- ABP Framework version: v4.2
- UI type: MVC
- DB provider: EF Core
- Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
does the payment module support recurring payments, the documentation is not good enough to use this module can you please explain it better so we cannutilise it to sell tenants how would we achive this using the paymenta module ?
10 Answer(s)
Hi @learnabp
It doesn't support recurrin payments at the moment. We will improve documentation. In the meantime, could you explain which problem did you face while using it ?
We would like use the payments module on the public site so we can automate our Tenant signup and creation of the Tenant attach the relavant Edition and ability to create users
can we use the payments module in the public site
Hi @learnabp
Yes, you can. Just follow https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/modules/payment to add pament module to your public website application. This document also contains a sample which you can use to create your own flow for Tenant payments on the public website.
Let me know if you face a problem while doing that.
When i install the Payments module via Abp Suite 4.2.2 only two gateways are installed
how do i install
?`13>C:\Projects\DesertFire.Ppm\aspnet-core\src\DesertFire.Ppm.Web\DesertFire.Ppm.Web.csproj : error NU1101: Unable to find package Volo.Payment.PayPal.Web. No packages exist with this id in source(s): ABP Commercial NuGet Source, BlazoriseMyGet, Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org'
'13>C:\Projects\DesertFire.Ppm\aspnet-core\src\DesertFire.Ppm.Web\DesertFire.Ppm.Web.csproj : error NU1101: Unable to find package Volo.Payment.Stripe.Web. No packages exist with this id in source(s): ABP Commercial NuGet Source, BlazoriseMyGet, Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org 1`
Stipre and PayPal are not listed here
I am also getting this when i download the Payment SOurce and try and run the solution
ABP-LIC-0016 - You are not granted permission to use the module 'Volo.Payment.Iyzico.Domain-v1.0.0.0'.
??? can you please help ... my work has stopped and really need to finish this project
You can add other payment gateways as explained in here https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/modules/payment. Each payment gatewy has 2 NuGet packages. *.Domain and *.Web .
After adding the NuGet packages, you also need to configure the related payment gateway in your app's appsettings.json file.
error should be gone when you try again.Thanks,
I have followed the guide word for word
but the paypal ans stripe nuget pacakges are not comming down they are missibg from nuget.abp.io
Please help
Hi @learnabp
Sorry for my late reply. It seems like this package is not published. Could you download its source code and add it to your project as a project reference ?
We will be publishing this package with the new 4.3 version.
Thanks for you response, i have copied the code over to my own web application