Hi @JimmyLiew
Does it work properly when Bitdefender is uninstalled ? If so, we will check it again.
Hi @JimmyLiew
ABP Studio 0.8.4 is just released, could you install it and see if it fixes the issue ?
This was caused by a virus program. When we manually scan the state.json file, ABP Studio opened successfully.
Hi @JimmyLiew
Could you send an email to info@abp.io, we can connect to your PC and try to understand the problem. We couldn't find a reason which might cause this issue.
Please include support ticket number (7982) in your email.
Could you backup this file and then delete it to see if it fixes the issue ?
Do you have the same error in abp-studio-ui-logs.txt ?
Thank you for sharing the logs. Could you check which app is locking this file ? You can use a tool like https://lockhunter.com/ or https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/.
Are there any logs on C:\Users\{USERNAME}\.abp\studio\ui\logs
folder ? If so, could you share it ?
still not working failed at CreateSubscriptionAsync (403 Fibidden)
You should run this process as a host user because if the TenantId is in session, it can't access Edition info with the current design. But, I agree with you, a Tenant user should be able to execute this process as well. We will think about changing this restriction.
I have replied via email and I'm posting my reply here so other developers can benefit from it;
as shown below in the PreConfigureServices
method of your TestWebModule
var configuration = context.Services.GetConfiguration();Configure<PaymentWebOptions>(options =>
options.RootUrl = configuration["App:SelfUrl"];
options.CallbackUrl = configuration["App:SelfUrl"] + "/PaymentSucceed";
from Stripe, you need to use price_id
and set it to ExternalId of GatewayPlan."PaymentMethodTypes": []
Please note that, if the payment is successful, the user will be redirected to CallbackUrl endpoint you have configured.For subscriptions, you can use Stripe CLI to get Webhook requests in your development environment.