Activities of "ismcagdas"

Hi @marketbus

You are right, PaymentWebOptions is for MVC projects. Payment module's public UI (for retrieving payment from customer) is only available for MVC (Razor) projects, so you need to host payment module in an MVC project.

Hi @marketbus

We haven't tried payment module with a Blazor Server app to get a payment. The flow of payment process is really simple, you can see it here When the payment succeeds, the payment module will redirect user to the URL provided CallbackUrl in PaymentWebOptions.

Then, you can handle the result in your Blazor app. Let me know if you have any confusions.



Unfortunately api-key is not supported at the moment.

Hi @easonyang

Can you try againg ? This was caused by a rule on on firewall. It should be working now.


Hi @easonyang

  • Does it make any difference if you run dotnet restore before the build operation ?
  • Could you share the full error log ? This error might be happening for a specific package.


Hi @MichelZ

Do you still have problem. I'm sorry that I missed your reply. We have made some improvements on our website about this problem.


Hi @dmeagor

Yes, we removed some packages which shouln't be on our NuGet server but on Please let me know if you face any problems.

Hi @dmeagor

Could you try again ? This should be fixed now.


Hi @MichelZ

I'm not %100 sure but your requests might be blocked by our firewall. Is it possible to share your IP with us so we can check this ? You can share it with

Also, using a nuget cache for your docker builds might help to solve this problem and speed up your development, see

Hi @selinkoykiran

You were right, the prerelase filter is not used at all when searching the packages. We have fixed this problem. The fix will be published soon.

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