Activities of "ismcagdas"

Hi @beuko

This is a different problem. Could you create a new 4.4.1 project, it should be working fine now.


Hi @selinkoykiran

Are you using a 3rd party library ? If so, can you share it with me ?


Hi @selinkoykiran

I tried with VS 2019 and it worked as expected for me. When I check the package status, it is correctly marked as a PreRelease package. Sometimes Visual Studio cna mix the requests for getting the package information from the package source. Could you wait for a few seconds when you click the PreRelease checkbox and see if it makes any difference ?

By the way, does this cause any problem on your CI/CD pipeline ?

Hi @MichelZ

Yes, the release of 4.4.1 is still in progress, could you try again when the release is completed. We hope to complete it today.


Hi @piseth

Sorry for the late reply. You can include this plugin to your app by following the steps below;

  1. Install the package to your project
npm install chartjs-plugin-datalabels --save
  1. Then, add the script to abp.resourcemapping.js under your web project
module.exports = {
    aliases: {
    mappings: {
        "@node_modules/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/dist/*.*": "@libs/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/"
  1. After all, you can inject the script to the page you want to use. For example, you can include it into HostDashboard.cshtml as shown below;
@section scripts {
    <abp-script src="/libs/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/chartjs-plugin-datalabels.js" />
    <abp-script src="/Pages/HostDashboard.js" />
  1. You can directly use ChartDataLabels in your JS files (HostDashboard.js for example). You can't modify existing charts on the HostDsahboard becasue those are placed to the page from modules. However, you can remove those charts and create your own chards and use ChartDataLabels in them. You can take a look at for a sample usage.

Hi @piseth

We will assist you via email.


I have added the user with email address "" to your organization. Did you get a similar error to ?

It will not cause any problems becasue app services and controllers are also intercepted by default and a unitOfWork is created for them. We are still trying to understand the cause of this problem.

Hi @lan.dang

Sorry for my late reply. It took some time to detect the cause of the problem. We figured out this with @maliming. It seems like this is caused by As a workaround, you can remove app.UseUnitOfWork() from your WebModule. When the related issue is resolved, you can enable it back.


For point 1 -> There are minor differencese in some modules which you can see module detail page on For point 2, unfortunately we don't have such a document but there are minor differences.

Hi @KuldeepRathi

Payment module's public UI, the one your customers make payment, is available only in MVC version. You can use Angular UI for your admin app and MVC for the public website.

There are minor differencese in some modules which you can see module detail page on

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13