- ABP Framework version: v4.3
- UI type: MVC
- DB provider: EF Core
- Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
- Exception message and stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
I am unable to execute the Public Website using a new install of abp.io 4.3 I was able to run the DbMigrator and the MVC administrator application fine. And was able to authenticate.
But when I set the Web.Public application as startup, and run in Debug and Start Without Debugging, it just sits there. After 5 minutes, nothing. I go into Web Developer Tools - Console and nothing is showing up at all.
Any guidance?
5 Answer(s)
Maybe related with IIS Express that Visual Studio is using? Can you try running it using
dotnet run
under Web.Public folder? -
Im not able to copy the entier stack trace but this i think is the most important part
23:18:44 INF] Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44304/ - - [23:18:44 INF] Executing endpoint '/Index' [23:18:44 INF] Route matched with {page = "/Index", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /Index [23:18:44 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy [23:18:44 INF] Executing handler method EduClarity.AbpPlay.Web.Public.Pages.IndexModel.OnGet - ModelState is Valid [23:18:44 INF] Executed handler method OnGet, returned result . [23:18:44 INF] Executing an implicit handler method - ModelState is Valid [23:18:44 INF] Executed an implicit handler method, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.PageResult. [23:18:45 WRN] It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 2s ago, last-write: 2s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 85s ago, v: 2.0.593.37019 StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 2s ago, last-write: 2s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 85s ago, v: 2.0.593.37019 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(Object configuration, TextWriter log) in C:\projects\stackexchange-redis\src\StackExchange.Redis\ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 941 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(String configuration, TextWriter log) in C:\projects\stackexchange-redis\src\StackExchange.Redis\ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 903 at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.RedisCache.Connect() at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.RedisCache.Set(String key, Byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.<>c__DisplayClass50_0.
hi davidc
It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on
You need set up the Redis for the Public website.
hi davidc
It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on
You need set up the Redis for the Public website.
By the way, It's hightly recommended using public website with redis but you can still disable redis in appsettings.json
"Redis": { "IsEnabled": "false", "Configuration": "" }
following document helps for configuration: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Redis-Cache#configuration
Ahhh okay... Im coming from AspNetZero where we don't have to do such things. I'll look into it.... But it might be helpful having a section for using the Public Website.