ABP Framework version: v4.2
UI type: MVC
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular) : no
Issue: How can I increase the Request Size for just the FileManagement Upload Module?
Steps to reproduce the issue:
[12:39:03 WRN] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ----------
"code": null,
"message": "Your request is not valid!",
"details": "The following errors were detected during validation.\r\n - Failed to read the request form. Request body too large.\r\n",
"data": {},
"validationErrors": [
"message": "Failed to read the request form. Request body too large.",
"members": [
1 Answer(s)
I have resolved this aready myself.. please set as closed.
Added some middleware directives to the Startu.cs.
webBuilder.UseKestrel(options => { options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = long.MaxValue; });
Also in the main web module I added
services.Configure<FormOptions>(x => { x.ValueLengthLimit = int.MaxValue; x.MultipartBodyLengthLimit = int.MaxValue; // if don't set default value is: 128 MB x.MultipartHeadersLengthLimit = int.MaxValue; });
All of these are inline with the aspnet core docs, althought we wont be leaving the MaxValues in there.