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Bugs & Problems v2.7.0 #149

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alper created
Support Team Director

Update the ABP CLI:

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli

Update the ABP Suite:

abp suite update

  • Release notes:

52 Answer(s)
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    AndrewT created

    Are there release notes somewhere?

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    sean.alford created


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    690486439 created

    hello!!! My version is the enterprise version! no add project

    abp suite version 2.7

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    zony created

    Can't access the url after publish.

    Below is the log message.

    [16:16:16 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET
    [16:16:17 ERR] Connection id "0HLVJU4I80GIM", Request id "0HLVJU4I80GIM:00000002": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.CompilationFailedException: One or more compilation failures occurred: /Pages/Docs/Admin/Projects/Index.cshtml(33,28): error CS1705: 标识为“Volo.Abp.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”的程序集“Volo.Abp.Authorization”所使用的“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60”版本高于所引用的标识为“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60”的程序集“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization” /Pages/Docs/Admin/Projects/Index.cshtml(42,28): error CS1705: 标识为“Volo.Abp.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”的程序集“Volo.Abp.Authorization”所使用的“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60”版本高于所引用的标识为“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60”的程序集“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization” at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.CompileAndEmit(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, String generatedCode) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.CompileAndEmit(String relativePath) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.RuntimeViewCompiler.OnCacheMiss(String normalizedPath) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.DefaultPageLoader.LoadAsyncCore(PageActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, EndpointMetadataCollection endpointMetadata) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.PageLoaderMatcherPolicy.ApplyAsyncAwaited(CandidateSet candidates, Task1 actionDescriptorTask, Int32 index) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.DfaMatcher.SelectEndpointWithPoliciesAsync(HttpContext httpContext, IEndpointSelectorPolicy[] policies, CandidateSet candidateSet) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointRoutingMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitMatch|8_1(EndpointRoutingMiddleware middleware, HttpContext httpContext, Task matchTask) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication1 application) [16:16:17 INF] Request finished in 618.5964ms 500

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @andrew the release notes for the commercial side will be available in the next week, we'll announce it. When it's ready, it will be published in the document website

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    AndrewT created

    @alpers - Thankyou, let me know which tree it is under or create a new "Release Notes" category?

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @690486439 yes you have an Enterprise License, but this is a bug in Suite. It's has been addressed and fixed. You'll see the "Add to project" button in the next version.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @zony i think it's related with the Docs module on the free side so can you file an issue to

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @AndrewT here's the release notes =>

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    AndrewT created

    @Alper - Thankyou! Can you tell us about progress on Blazor templates?

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @AndrewT, it's in the roadmap but not in high priority. Sorry, I can't tell a deadline.

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    ninomartini created


    Just want to bring your attetion to a small cosmetic issue with the tenant listing screen. It seems the table column headers are not aligning with the table column rows. Furthermore, the height of the table headers when viewed from a mobile device are wrong. Please refer to the attached images.

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    0 created

    suite update failed

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @roop.yekollu, can you run

    abp suite remove


    abp suite install

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @ninomartini this must be fixed in the latest version. tomorrow there'll be 2.7.1 for NPM packages. then you can update it or wait for the v2.8.0

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    sean.alford created

    ABP Suite:

    FYI: When you choose long for your PK type, there are several places within the project templates that are not getting substitude properly.

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    0 created

    no luck alper

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    I think your app is corrupted. try deleting this directory => %UserProfile%\.dotnet\tools\.store\volo.abp.suite then install again

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    hi @sean.alford , thanks for reporting long primary key issue. Created an issue for that.

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    0 created

    I don't see this folder volo.abp.suite

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    sean.alford created

    @alper I ran into a new problem this morning when I tried to start Suite. I see is have a similar problem. So I followed your instructions to them and manually deleted %UserProfile%\.dotnet\tools\.store\volo.abp.suite. However, as you can see the install is failing.

    NOTE: I am logged into ABP via CLI in an Administrative Command Prompt

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    sean.alford created

    @alper, it looks like my virus protection is removing Volo.Abp.Suite.dll Suite installed after I manually deleted it, and Update Restart Windows.

    However, if failed to start after the Windows Update Restart

    Norton Screen Shots

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    That's definately a false alarm! Virus programs makes a heroistic check... A heuristic check is a method that lets a computer program "guess" about unknown stuff. The Suite DLL creates a web hosting, makes requests, accesses directories so they mark it as potentially risky. But it has nothing to do with virus. As you see from the Norton report, it says Heuristic Virus, which means the application follows a bunch of rules about what makes something look like a virus and when it sees a program that does similar things, it gets flagged as questionable.

    Here's the virus total score: 2 / 72

    You can ignore this and exclude Volo.Abp.Suite.dll from your antivirus.

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    armanozak created

    Dynamic Form Problem Caused by Ivy in Angular UI


    We have noticed that, due to this open issue on Angular, the DisabledDirective breaks all dynamic forms in v2.7 of the Angular UI, when Ivy is enabled.

    We have implemented one of the workarounds suggested in the thread of that issue and released v2.7.2 for the commercial-ui package which fixes the problem.

    If you observe anything similar, please remove yarn.lock (or package-lock.json) in your project and reinstall npm packages.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    ninomartini created

    The header's avatar in a previous version was a more generic user avatar.

    The current version has a different user avatar.

    Was this changed in the template or controlled by a setting? Can you point me to any addtional information?

    Thank you in advance.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 26, 2024, 06:07