ABP Framework version: 4.4.0
UI type:Blazor
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
I need to extend some entities of the payment module (Plan and/or GatewayPlan), but I cannot find a class from the payment module which inherits ModuleExtentionConfiguration.
How can I extent entities in this module? As it is an official commercial module I assume it has extension point that we can fork via ObjectExtensionManger?
I know I can add new db field by using EfCoreEntityExtensionMappings class, but then I need to also take care of the extending the entity with my custom fields, extend DTOs and modify the UI manually. It would be nice if I could just use the ModuleExtensionConfigurator to extend the Plan/GatewayPlan and framework will take care of visualisation in the UI (tables, add/edit form) - in a similar way how I can do it for e.g. SaaS module Edition entity...
4 Answer(s)
this is an example of how you can add extra properties to your entity
Yes, I know I can play with extra properties as well. But this doesn't answer to my question. Is there a way to customize it by using ModuleExtentionConfiguration (like I can customize SaaS module entities Tenant and Edition). In this way I am able to define the extra properties and framework will take care of adding them to the APIs and UI as well.
For example for SaaS I can do:
But for Payment module there is no .ConfigurePayment or similar extension. There is generic .ConfigureModule extension but it requires tha type ModuleExtensionConfiguration for the action.
I've created an internal issue for this enhancement (issue no: 7639)
probably it'll be implmented in 5.0 -
OK. Thanks