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Bug Report / Issue / Question
Provide the following information to reduce the conversation steps:
ABP Framework version:
UI type: Angular
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:
create a simple author entity with two properties on a newly generated 2.0 solution
code is generated
Error occurred on DB migration step: MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist. Switch: ../Kuvu.HttpApi.Host Unable to retrieve project metadata. Ensure it's an MSBuild-based .NET Core project. If you're using custom BaseIntermediateOutputPath or MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath values, Use the --msbuildprojectextensionspath option.
(see screenshot below)
on macOS dotnet 3.1 v2.8
13 Answer(s)
Hi - this is a brand new commercial solution and the suite is up to date (v2.8). Has this been tested on my platform?
on macOS Catalina dotnet 3.1 v2.8
visual studio code
dotnet --version 3.1.201
node -v v12.16.3
npm -v 6.14.4 -
an update...
looks like there are definitely some tooling issues with abp suite migrations (at least on the mac)
I got around this manually by:
dotnet-ef migrations add "your migration name here"
dotnet-ef database updatein EntityFrameWorkCore.DbMigrations after adding an appsettings.json with my connections (copied from DbMigrator)
my previous question on linux/macos testing still holds...
Hi - any news on this : migrations and database updates from abp suite dont' work on macOS.
@pkouame , I'll try to reproduce it in a MAC.
Suite is creating migrations with the EF Core CLI so it's not different than typingdotnet-ef migrations add
But I'll check anyway. -
yes - no doubt you are issuing the same CLI calls.
as stated above - your framework needs an appsettings.json in EFCore.DbMigrations for this to work on my side. Unless you are attempting to tool differently...
it's not possible to relocate your entities now.
but perhaps we'll crate a setting for this, after that, you can put them in your solution root folder. -
hi alper - possibly a response to another ticket? this one has to do with abp suite migrations on the mac...
my bad!
I wrote this for another question :)
anyway I'll check the MAC issues.
I think there's a small problem with the directory seperator.
Windows uses"\"
and MAC"/"
that's why Suite cannot change directory correctly.
Should be fixed in the next version. -
yes - there were similar problems with zero (a while back) - I volunteer for 3rd party macOS testing if you need it...
Thank you. me, personally not using macOS but we have MACs to test it.
Actually the idea to make this application web based is to be used cross-platform.
I think the issue is a minor problem. -
yes - should be - how does bug tracking work on commercial? I'm used to Zero where we can track identified bugs to resolution/release.
ABP Commercial repository is private, you can create a new ticket on this website to track your issue.
Also here's the change logs for new versions the way, Suite MAC issue has been fixed, and you can try on the next version.
I've got a feedback from the team.
they are planning to create a community page where you can report bugs / features (votable)