Version 3.0.3 - issue with multi tenant setup on a new project with complex solution name (Abc.CoolProject).
Here's the fixes to your templates.
Template: Server.AppService.AppService.txt
public virtual async Task<%%entity-name%%Dto> CreateAsync(%%entity-name%%CreateDto input)
%%%%new%%entity-name%%.TenantId = CurrentTenant.Id;%%%%
// ^ there newWaldo is
public virtual async Task<%%entity-name%%Dto> CreateAsync(%%entity-name%%CreateDto input)
%%%%%%entity-name-camelcase%%.TenantId = CurrentTenant.Id;%%%%
// ^ there waldo is
Create an object Waldo. Find Waldo. Wait you can't, dotnet build says. There's no "newWaldo" declared in this scope. Hmm, I wonder where that "new" came from.
Template: Frontend.Mvc.Page.CreateModal.cshtml.txt
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%only-project-name%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say? we don't care about that. here, take only the project name because that will surely be enough.
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Modal
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%solution-namespace%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say. cool, here's the whole identifier
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Modal
Template: Frontend.Mvc.Page.EditModal.cshtml.txt
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%only-project-name%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say? we don't care about that. here, take only the project name because that will surely be enough.
@using %%project-name%%.Web.Pages.%%entity-name-plural%%
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%solution-namespace%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say. cool, here's the whole identifier
@using %%project-name%%.Web.Pages.%%entity-name-plural%%
Template: Frontend.Mvc.Page.Index.cshtml.txt
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%only-project-name%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say? we don't care about that. here, take only the project name because that will surely be enough.
@inject IHtmlLocalizer<%%only-project-name%%Resource> L
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using %%solution-namespace%%.Localization
//. ^ complex solution name you say. cool, here's the whole identifier
@inject IHtmlLocalizer<%%only-project-name%%Resource> L
How about the fact that my connection string is not used for any new project I create? I always end up with "Server=localhost;Database=<ProjectName>;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true". How about that? Should I fix that for you as well?
Why should I have to change the templates myself when the we already paid a price product that is supposed to be ready for this task. Do you even test your software before you release it?
Do you consider it fair that I am supposed to waste one of my questions that was included in the support package to report bugs? To fix your bugs even?
What is this support meant to include? Is it not meant to be a channel through which developers can ask for your advice as to how to implement/integrate your product? How is me being required to spend one of such question to report YOUR bugs accomplishing me integrating your product with whatever software I am meant to develop?
8 Answer(s)
I echo this.
Can we get some feedback please abp support? -
Is this fixed?
@alexandru-bagu use the pinned Bug & Problems v.X.x thread to report bugs to avoid using a question. The team is usually vey quick to respond to these issues.
Note: There are a lot of moving parts in the framework and the commercial product. It's extremely difficult for them test everything under such an aggresive schedule. It is frustrating at times, but they are usally quick to make it right.
@sean.alford - While that is a solution, to not spend questions, why is there no "Report a bug" link anywhere? It would just have to forward people to the thread you said, nothing more. However everyone is left questioning whether there's even a point to reporting anything if there is no designated, clear channel for it. My first thought was that we should simply refund the purchase, there are other products available.
"The team is usually very quick to respond to issues." - It took them 7 days to release 3.0.4 and I have no clue if they fixed the issue I opened with this thread - no answers from them. Was I supposed to wait around 7 days for them to release a fix?
The aggressive schedule you are speaking of is not one that the comunity demanded, maybe only suggested. If they don't have the time to implement new features and also keep the product working correctly then they bit off more than they can chew, so to speak.
For my first project using this product I had a broken product with no clear instructions as to how to select a specific version that I know previously worked. Same thing happened when I updated the CLI to 3.0.4 - generating views no longer worked, I had to update the projects then rebuild then try to generate views and it finally worked. Why is there no "upgrade" command to do all that so you don't have to guess what is going on? Apparently my project is of version 3.0.3 but upgraded to 3.0.4 libs - what is that supposed to mean?What about disabling tenancy for queries, one could ask as I have. The API changed yet there is no documentation about it. If the IgnoreMultiTenancy attribute was supposed to do the job, it didn't. I had to deobfuscate their libraries and skim through their classes to find IsMultiTenantFilterEnabled in the AbpDbContext without any documentation as to how to change the value. I did appreciate it was a virtual field so I could easily override it.
Their software is nice, I am not saying it is not. But the price tag should mean there is a consumer first strategy, we're not talking about a small amount. Or maybe $2k is pocket change - certainly to some, but not to everyone.
if a user reports bug in a question, we refund the credit for that question.
@alexandru-bagu we have refunded your 1 question credit for this bug report.
Also if you are not satisfied with the ABP project, feel free to ask for a refund. We don't want to have unhappy customers.Besides, we create a pinned topic on top of other questions about the current version's bugs & issues. you can freely write there, you don't loose any credits.
And for the question, can you upgrade to v3.0.4 for the specified problems.
for the "connection string not change" issue, I've tried and cannot reproduce it.
The connection string issue is actually not because of code generation but because of a UI bug. I was just not paying enough attention although I am sure I am not the only one who faced this issue. The issue is when you click the Tiered checkbox first time - it resets the connection string. Why would it reset the connection string when it is after the text box for connection string is what I am wondering."if a user reports bug in a question, we refund the credit for that question." - unwritten rule? The reason I was upset about this thing was that there were no such indication anywhere. Maybe add some text relaying this information in the view for posting a new issue and maybe even prompt people to post the bugs in the pinned topic.
I do wonder, if I were to post questions about how to do stuff that are undocumented along with their solution, would my question be refunded? Would you not want the community to contribute and make your support life better? The lack of documentation or the existing documentation being so unclear is annoying to say the least.
I watched your YouTube video.
I couldn't reproduce it in the latest version.
Are you using an older Suite version? -
tested again and I confirm the bug.
created an internal ticket, will be fixed in the next version.