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Your feature request 💡 #3052

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alper created
Support Team Director

You can post your feature request under this topic.
If other members like the feature, they can upvote☝️ the post.
Upvotes will be considered when choosing from feature requests.

Rules of posting to this thread:

  • Your post should only contain feature requests. Posts with bug reporting or asking questions will be removed.

  • Your feature request must be a generic feature that will be used by most of the ABP developers.

  • Your feature request must clearly explain the problem the feature solves.

  • If you have multiple feature requests, do not write them in separate posts. Merge all the requests in a single post.

160 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    portx-dev created

    I would like to specify the IP address that can be used to log in for each tenant

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    portx-dev created

    Specific roles and Organization Units
    I would like a feature that would force MFA for users.

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    Sturla created

    Login with user (impersonate) when the user has changed the admin user from admin to something else is an issue.
    I got a call asking for help setting things up but they didn´t remember the user they were using. I had to SQL-it by hand.

    So I suggest having a dropdown of available host users you can choose from. Even enhance this opup and show all users and have their **roles **also there.


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    woodyarray created

    When using Twilio and SmsMessage, add the ability to override the "From Number" in the SmsMessage.

    We are going to associate a number with each user and have the SMS messages be in "personal" threads.

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    ccernat created

    It would be cool to replace the default Blazorise component library used in ABP Blazor solutions, including the generated ABP Suite pages, which is under a license if certain conditions are met, with, for example, Radzen, or any another component library that is completely free and open source.

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    dmeagor created

    How about integrating an adapter for integration services like Zappier, automate, pabbly connect?

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    In the 8.0.0 version of Abp Suite with the new version of EntityFramework that supports the DateOnly and TimeOnly types, it would be useful to add them to the list of types that can be used to create a property in an entity.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    In the 8.0.0 version of Abp Suite with the new version of EntityFramework that supports the DateOnly and TimeOnly types, it would be useful to add them to the list of types that can be used to create a property in an entity.

    Thanks for your suggestion, I have created an internal issue for this.

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    Emanuele.Filardo created

    In the 8.0.0 version of Abp Suite with the new version of EntityFramework that supports the DateOnly and TimeOnly types, it would be useful to add them to the list of types that can be used to create a property in an entity.

    GUID too

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    0 created

    Please add the Payment Module of Saas in Angular

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    n.uerkmez created

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your Master-Detail solution in ABP suite version 8.0.0.rc2. I have some suggestions for further improvement of this issue.

    1. Search is already available in the Master section. It would be great if we could also search in the Detail section.
      2.Such a use case exists in business applications. An Entity with Entity type Child can be a Master for another page.
      For example, on a page (Authors) the Author entity can be the Master and the Book entity can be its child.
      But on the Books page, Book can be the Master, whereas Authors can be its child.
      What solution can you offer in this case?

  • User Avatar
    Sturla created

    Are abp wrapped Blazorise component being updated with all the features that are beeing added montly by the Blazorise team?

    The Grid component just been getting massive updates in every version for a long time

    I would like to see Suite take advantage of these updates and give us some check boxes or a better defaults when creating a page.

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    lizhaofeng created

    If the abp suite can create properties through importing Excel, it will greatly save a lot of repetitive work.


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    0 created

    Forms module would greatly benefit from a file upload option.

    Public website template without Redis (to complicated and expensive for indies like myself)


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    ccernat created

    It would be interesting to add the option to choose a vertical slice architecture style when creating a new application template with a WebAPI behind it.

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    yilmaz.atalar created

    During 2FA with the email, verification code may not come at the first trial or can be expired before entering it. Currently the only option going to home page again and retry. Adding a resend button could help for those cases.


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    roberto.fiocchi created

    Using Blazor Wasm:
    Add a background worker to periodically clean old/expired audit logs from the DB, a feature already present in AspNetZero

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    Using Blazor Wasm:
    Implement the real-time notification system already present in AspNetZero

    P.S: We are having difficulties moving from AspNetZero to Abp framework with all of these features missing

  • User Avatar
    Sturla created

    Here are my suggestions to enhance the Audit Logs UI

    Possible Enhancements

    • All "40x" and "50x" error selections andmulti-select

    • "Last x" (30 min, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days) like Azure Application Insights has for easier and quicker viewing of logs

    • Before and after error

    • Graph view of actions

    • Email alert subscription

    • User browser information

    • "Users with issues" filter

    • Change "Application Name" to a dropdown with awailable names

    All "40x" and "50x" error selections

    This list is to granular. Its easy to miss something.I would like to be able to select all 400 or 500 errors instead of having to go through all of them one by one.

    Show data for last x time

    I constantly need to view the logs and it becomes really tired fast having to set these two date imputs!

    What was going on before/after?

    I would really like to be able to dig into the logs with a dropdown that gives me 10 items before and 10 after so I can quickly see if an error is related to something else going on

    Graph view of actions

    Its hard to get a picture of what is going on with just the logs. They are now only used as reactive since you only go there if something is reported wrong. It would be great to have somekind of grid overview for the logs.

    Email alert subscription

    I would like to be able to subscribe to errors (40x/50x) happening. Would also be great if it was possible to subscribe to only new errors (or new this week/month/ever).

    User browser information

    We are storing the browser types of the users, why not show some stats/info about it?


    "Users with issues" filter

    Would it be possible to pre filter on users that are having issues? It would need to be both tenants and none-tenants filter.

    Change "Application Name" to a dropdown with awailable names

    Now you need to write in the excact name of the application. It should be possible to populate this as a dropdown.

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    Sturla created

    User Support form module (not forum)

    Currently my public project has a "Contact us" form where a user leaves an email and and tells us what is wrong.
    To solve their issue we go looking for logs and information about what is possibly bothering them, something that is hard and time consuming in the UI. We usually endup just using custom SQL scripts directly to the database.

    So I´m suggesting that we get new User support module in

    Flow would be something like

    • Support form is accessable on the public website. It has name/email/subject/body inputs.

    • User fills in the form. He is either logged in or leaves an email (cant submit if the email doesn´t match)

    • This support ticket is stored

    • We can view the users details and can act on it just like we do in the users overview in the Admin/Identity Managment/Users grid.

    • Somebody with "support role" or greater can take these issues.

    • Easy to view all audit logs for the user

    • We can reply to the users from that view

    • We can mark the supports as in progress or done

    This would be an awesome addition and would give a "365 degree" user/issues management..

  • User Avatar
    Sturla created

    Email event module

    I´m constantly sending emails under different scenarios like

    • "Welcome" email to new tenant/user signing up

    • "Item bought" email to user

    • "Issue in external service" email to host admin

    I would like a view that handles all these emails for the system in an easy to do manner.


    Here is some psudo code.
    These events would inherit from EmailAutoDescoveryEvent that would be auto registered and viewable in the module UI.

    public class BoughtEvent: EmailAutoDescoveryEvent
        public int UserId {get;set;}
        // etc.

    That could be used like this in code

    public async Task PurchachedFinalizedAsync()
        // other logic ommitted
        await emailSystem.SendEmail(new BoughtEvent(current.UserId));  

    or with attribute

    public async Task PurchachedFinalizedAsync()
        // logic ommitted

    Other functionality

    • Option to send to current tenant or user using the code

    • Possible to create groups that can be sent to

    • Edit templates in UI?

    • Have more than 1 template for each event? You might want to send host more information than the tennant that was signing up?

  • User Avatar
    Sturla created

    Please add some help information (?) bubbles to settings. E.g. the OpenId settings where I don´t know what things do... What is "Consent Type" etc?

    It would be great to have a short text like "Consent type does....". Having a link to documentation would be super nice (this would also give valuable inbound SEO links)


  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    Here are my suggestions to enhance the Audit Logs UI

    ## Possible Enhancements

    • All "40x" and "50x" error selections andmulti-select

    yes it's good feature. I created internal issue for this

  • User Avatar
    Sturla created

    Can we get "Add post" in this Blogs dropdown for quickly adding blogs? Less clicking around.


    and "Go to post" in the posts

    Add "Add blog to menu".. I was trying out various urls to figure out what the url should be

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    I recommend closing this topic and highlighting what is in the Roadmap and what is not so that we can vote on which feature we consider priority.

    Now there are many proposals, but we don't know what you are working on.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08