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Getting Error After Upgrading a new version of Abp Commercial #3287

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piseth created
  • ABP Framework version: v5.3

  • UI type: MVC

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes / no

  • Exception message and stack trace:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

After running "abp update", I build my project and i get many errors:

9 Answer(s)
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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Can you run the following commands in order in the directory where the solution is located?

    1. abp clean

    2. dotnet build /graphBuild

  • User Avatar
    piseth created

    Can you run the following commands in order in the directory where the solution is located?

    1. abp clean

    2. dotnet build /graphBuild

    I follow your instruction. You can see the attachement


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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Since the abp update command only updates the abp-related packages, it is normal to have incompatibility with other packages after the update command.

    Please update all Microsoft.** packages references from version 6.0.0 to version 6.0.5. In addition, if there are other error-generating packages, you can upgrade them to the version specified in the log record.

    Also, if your project doesn't work after that, you can follow the migration guide if there is one.

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    piseth created

    migration guide

    I still get one error. "The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Volo.Payment' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"

    In MyProjectDbContext.cs, it does not recognize "using Volo.Payment.EntityFrameworkCore;"

    How to solve it?

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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    I guess you don't have a reference to package Volo.Payment.EntityFrameworkCore.

    Can you check if have Volo.Payment.EntityFrameworkCore package in your MyProjectName.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj file?

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    piseth created

    I guess you don't have a reference to package Volo.Payment.EntityFrameworkCore.

    Can you check if have Volo.Payment.EntityFrameworkCore package in your MyProjectName.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj file?

    Ok, I will check, and coming back to u

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    piseth created

    No i don't see it. Plz see the below image

    When I look at other project containing the version 5.2, it also doesnot have it but it works normally

    By the way within the new abp version, it also shows error on IIS. My web application is not running after deploying on IIS:

    Volo.Abp.AbpInitializationException: An error occurred during the initialize Volo.Abp.Modularity.OnApplicationInitializationModuleLifecycleContributor phase of the module MyProject.Web.MyProjectWebModule, MyProject.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: The type 'qgApoZ2OmDdJqiAoXp5.L4ObZ82mStp54vqoB0A' is not a valid page. A page must define a public, non-static 'Model' property.. See the inner exception for details.
    ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The type 'qgApoZ2OmDdJqiAoXp5.L4ObZ82mStp54vqoB0A' is not a valid page. A page must define a public, non-static 'Model' property.
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationModels.DefaultPageApplicationModelProvider.CreateModel(PageActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, TypeInfo pageTypeInfo)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationModels.DefaultPageApplicationModelProvider.OnProvidersExecuting(PageApplicationModelProviderContext context)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.CompiledPageActionDescriptorFactory.CreateCompiledDescriptor(PageActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, CompiledViewDescriptor viewDescriptor)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure.CompiledPageActionDescriptorProvider.OnProvidersExecuting(ActionDescriptorProviderContext context)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.DefaultActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.UpdateCollection()
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.DefaultActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.Initialize()
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing.ActionEndpointDataSourceBase.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Subscribe>b__0()
    at Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.ChangeToken.OnChange(Func1 changeTokenProducer, Action changeTokenConsumer) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing.ActionEndpointDataSourceBase.Subscribe() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing.ControllerActionEndpointDataSource..ctor(ControllerActionEndpointDataSourceIdProvider dataSourceIdProvider, IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider actions, ActionEndpointFactory endpointFactory, OrderedEndpointsSequenceProvider orderSequence) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.GetOrCreateDataSource(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.MapControllerRoute(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints, String name, String pattern, Object defaults, Object constraints, Object dataTokens) at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.AbpAspNetCoreMvcModule.<>c.<ConfigureServices>b__1_10(EndpointRouteBuilderContext endpointContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.AbpAspNetCoreApplicationBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<UseConfiguredEndpoints>b__0(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseEndpoints(IApplicationBuilder builder, Action1 configure)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.AbpAspNetCoreApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseConfiguredEndpoints(IApplicationBuilder app, Action`1 additionalConfigurationAction)
    at MyProject.Web.MyProjectWebModule.OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context) in D:\app\dotnet6\MyProject - 5.3\dashboard-master\src\MyProject.Web\MyProjectWebModule.cs:line 797
    at Volo.Abp.Modularity.AbpModule.OnApplicationInitializationAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    at Volo.Abp.Modularity.OnApplicationInitializationModuleLifecycleContributor.InitializeAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context, IAbpModule module)
    at Volo.Abp.Modularity.ModuleManager.InitializeModulesAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Volo.Abp.Modularity.ModuleManager.InitializeModulesAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    at Volo.Abp.AbpApplicationBase.InitializeModulesAsync()
    at Volo.Abp.AbpApplicationWithExternalServiceProvider.InitializeAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.AbpApplicationBuilderExtensions.InitializeApplicationAsync(IApplicationBuilder app)
    at MyProject.Web.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\app\dotnet6\MyProject - 5.3\dashboard-master\src\MyProject.Web\Program.cs:line 40

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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    When I look at other project containing the version 5.2, it also does not have it but it works normally

    Yes, because the Saas module used to depend on the Payment module, but with 5.3.* the situation has changed. You have to add it manually.

    It is mentioned in this document:

    By the way within the new abp version, it also shows error on IIS. My web application is not running after deploying on IIS:

    Thanks for the report, we are aware of this issue, and we will release a patch soon.

    Related question:

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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Closing the issue. Feel free to re-open, if you have any further questions on this topic.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 19, 2025, 05:30