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Abp Suite does not detect entities after adding existing solution #466

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talhasayed created
  • ABP Framework version: v3.1.2

  • UI type: MVC

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): MVC

  • Exception message and stack trace: N/A

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Used Abp Suite to create and manage the entities. Closed the Abp Suite and started it again and it does not detect the entites in the entities drop down list that were created already. When I checked the Abp suite logs, I found that after adding the solution, the entites endpoint returns empty array.


9 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    what's your Suite and project version
    Can you update your project and Suite to 3.2.0

    Suite version is written in the footer

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    talhasayed created

    Updated ABP CLI, ABP Suite and my Abp Commercial solution to v3.2.1. I still face the same issue.


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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    check that you have your entitites in the following directory

    you can copy your entities from that folder to the following folder


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    talhasayed created

    That folder is empty for me. I removed and added the solution to ABP Suite and the folder is still empty. I also uninstalled ABP CLI and ABP Suite and installed it anew and the folder is still empty.

    I also created a new Abp Commercial project to see if I have issues with my current project, but no luck. It doesn't work for new projects too. Any entities I add are working correctly until I close Abp Suite and remove the project. Once I add the project again, I lose all the entities.


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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @talha in the new version (v3.2.X) there shouldn't be files under %UserProfile%\.abp\suite\solutions\{solution-id}\entities\.

    So the new location for entity files are in your solution folder. This is done because we wanted to include entity json files to the source-code system.

    Find your entities in your-solution-root-direcroty\.suite\entities

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    talhasayed created

    Any new entities I am creating are coming up in the %UserProfile%.abp\suite\solutions{solution-id}\entities\ as seen from the image below. Meanwhile, there is no such folder called ".suite" in my solution root directory.

    Note: All new entities were created with the latest version of ABP CLI and ABP Suite (3.2.1)


    My solution root does not have a .suite folder.


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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @talha move all entities to your-solution-root-direcroty\.suite\entities. I know you don't have a .suite folder in your solution's root directory. Just create .suite\entities folders in your solution's root directory.

    after moving all your entities, delete this folder

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    talhasayed created

    I did as you suggested but it did not work. ABP Suite just created a new folder in the "Talha Sayed.abp\suite\solutions" folder and it has no entities now. The entities are moved to my solution root.suite\entities folder. It seems that the folder created by me is not being used.

    I tried to create a completely new project with the latest version of suite and entities and still no luck.

    No more entities!!

    Copied the folder as per your suggestion:

    New folder "solutions" automatically created by Abp Suite in the below location:

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    we'll contact you for the further assitance.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08