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Angular Front End Redirect Auth Issue [Kubernetes Deployment] #5701

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NH-Support created


I have a Front-end Application that use Angular as framework, I have Auth Server [OpenIDDICT] and Backend API [ASP.NET]

When i try to open https://myfront.domain.local and Click Login ====> it will take me to the Auth Server ======> After entering the username and password it will redirect me again to the Front-end

i attached a screenshot for the logs

  1. the swagger is running fine and it can do authorization from the swagger api interface
  2. the auth server is running fine and i can login without issues (if i opened it directly from the web)
  3. if i opened the front then tried to login with valid creds it redirecting me to front-end page again and logs the error showed in the attached picture

20 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Could you please share your appsettings.json file from AuthServer and environment.ts file from Angular so that we can help you better.

    Thank you, Anjali

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    NH-Support created

    this is environment.json

    this is appsettings.json for backedn

    this is appsettings.json for auth-server

  • User Avatar
    NH-Support created

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Could you please share your appsettings.json file from AuthServer and environment.ts file from Angular so that we can help you better.

    Thank you, Anjali

    Hi Please check the attached pictures

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    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Could you please check below link


    Please do let me know if it helps you or if anything else is needed.

    Thank you, Anjali

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    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Please do let us know if this solution has worked for you?

    Awaiting for your response.

    Thank You, Anjali

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    NH-Support created

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Could you please check below link


    Please do let me know if it helps you or if anything else is needed.

    Thank you, Anjali

    Hi Anjali

    The solution you provided is already implemented in my code and i am still having the same issue

    could you please suggest any other solution for this ?

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    NH-Support created

    Hello nanohealthserviceaccount,

    Please do let us know if this solution has worked for you?

    Awaiting for your response.

    Thank You, Anjali

    is it possible to get a live support session ? as this is holding us back and we need to do ASAP

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    alper created
    Support Team Director


    live support is not available but you can contact to info@abp.io for our private consultancy services

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    NH-Support created

    When i try to execute an API from Swagger i am getting the error attached in the image

    While if i do Curl from inside the backend pod the same URL http://hub-authserver.hub-qa it will response successfully

    can you please advice

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    can you provide the logs of the HTTP500 error

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    NH-Support created

    can you provide the logs of the HTTP500 error

    the requested API is returning HTTP 500 because it requires authentication and when it tries to authenticate it throws this error unable to obtain ..... However, the API now can authenticate but the angular can't while it is trying to fetch from https://auth-server/.well-known/jwks it is not specified to use HTTPS so it returns connection refused

    Please find the code section for adding metadata URL

    Please advise.

    thank you,

  • User Avatar
    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member


    Can you share your PreConfigureService Code from HttpApiHostModule?

  • User Avatar
    NH-Support created

    Hi Anjali

    actually, we don't have PreConfigureService

    but this is ConfigureService if you want to check

    and this is the configure authentication for adding the metadata URL

    and from Swagger, i can execute any API with a 200 status code

    but when we log in from the angular app it throws the following error

    It requests the jwks from HTTPS while it is the auth-server is operating on HTTP in the local environment

    requirehttpsmetadata is false in the angular environment.json, backend, and auth-server appsettings.json

    this is where we reach tell now.

    I hope that you can help us fix this issue.

    thank you,

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    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member

    Hi can you share a screenshot of PreConfigureServices in your AuthServerModule ? i want to see options.AddAudiences("Bookshop"); in your AuthServerModule

    is it possible to share the authurl, angular and backend URL over email to support@abp.io with the ticket id?

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    NH-Support created

    Hi, Kindly find below the PreConfigureServices in the AuthServerModule

    Kindly note that the URLs are only accessible from our local environment.

    Let me know if you still need the URLs, I will share it with you if it is still needed

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    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member


    can you try changing audience in you httpihostmodule to AccountService

    i hope your Authserver:MetaAddress and AuthServer:Authority are same across

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    NH-Support created


    Changing the audience didn't make any difference.

    Just to keep in mind this application is in production and it is operating well using the IIS web server.

    This issue is related to the Kubernetes deployment where we need to add another endpoint to auth-server in order to communicate with it within the internal cluster, so the metadata address is the http://<k8s service name> and the authority is https://<the external domain name> when metadata address is added to the code the errors in ticket start to appear, while if we stick with the authority URL only it will not be reachable from inside the cluster.

    I hope that this will clarify the situation we have.

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    Anjali_Musmade created
    Support Team Support Team Member


    We have tried deploying the app to local k8 below are our configuration and it is working please check and let me know if you also have same configs

    1. HttpApiHost
    2. Authserver
    3. Angular
    4. Metadata adress

    getting ip's

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    NH-Support created


    this is the exact same configuration we have but we are using HTTPS instead of HTTP.

    could you please run as HTTPS and confirm that it is working?

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    gterdem created
    Senior .NET Developer


    The lastest I see is you get IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from .. which seems related to Swagger login. We have made enhancements and fixed on version 7.4. Which version of is your application?

    What is your request to which server? What error do you receive exactly?

    When deploying on K8s, you may get errors related to Issuer validation. The swagger client uses browser to redirect to authserver (that uses the real DNS) to start the signin process and uses the internal k8s service name to validate the token. This may cause HttpApi.Host application errors related to ValidIssuer.

    You can add the k8s service as issuer aswell to prevent this problem by updating the JWT authentication:

    .AddJwtBearer(options =>
        options.Authority = configuration["AuthServer:Authority"];
        options.RequireHttpsMetadata = Convert.ToBoolean(configuration["AuthServer:RequireHttpsMetadata"]);
        options.Audience = "MyAbpApp";
        options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
            ValidIssuers = new []{"https://myauthserver.com","http://authserver-k8s-service-name"} // -> This line
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40