rafael.gonzales created
- ABP Framework version: v8.2.0
- UI Type: MVC
- Database System: EF Core (MySQL)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Create an entity using ABP Suite
- Create a child entity from the previous one.
- Browse the /swagger page in your solution
The main entity generated gets a "ChildDataGrid" endpoint that is not customized with the "/api/app" default prefix and can't be customized with an override "ConventionalRouteBuilder" class.
2 Answer(s)
Found the issue,
the generated Controller from ABP Suite only adds a basic route like the following
[Route("[controller]/[action]")] public class ClientsController : AbpController { [HttpGet] public virtual async Task<PartialViewResult> ChildDataGrid(Guid clientId) { return PartialView("~/Pages/Shared/Clients/_ChildDataGrids.cshtml", clienteId); } }
It makes the AbpServiceConvention class to ignore this part of the code
If the ConfigureRemoteService method is not initiated, there won't be any URL modification in the route's prefix.
Thanks. I have refunded your ticket. 👍