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PackageId = Volo.Abp.Studio.Extensions.StandardSolutionTemplates throw : Code:AbpStudio:NugetPackageNotFound #7568

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t.abouzid created

I’m not able to use ABP templates; the solution is empty in the new tool Studio. The reason is:

18:00:13.879 Information Start processing HTTP request "GET"
18:00:13.879 Information Sending HTTP request "GET"
18:00:13.948 Warning Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException' was thrown.
18:00:13.948 Warning Code:AbpStudio:NugetPackageNotFound
18:00:13.948 Warning Details:
18:00:13.950 Warning ---------- Exception Data ----------
PackageId = Volo.Abp.Studio.Extensions.StandardSolutionTemplates
Version = 0.7.1

and from CMD it's the same :

[18:07:18 INF] ABP CLI 0.7.1 (Beta)
[18:07:18 INF] You are running the second generation of the ABP CLI. If you're interested in the legacy CLI, see
[18:07:18 INF] Checking extensions...
[18:07:18 ERR] NuGet package not found Package: Volo.Abp.Studio.Extensions.StandardSolutionTemplates, Version: 0.7.1
[18:07:18 WRN] Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException' was thrown.
Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException: Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException' was thrown.
at Volo.Abp.Studio.Nuget.NugetPackageManager.DownloadAsync(String packageId, String version)
at Volo.Abp.Studio.Extensions.NugetExtensionManager.DownloadAsync()
at Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli.StudioCliService.CheckExtensionsAsync()
at Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli.StudioCliService.RunAsync(String[] args)
[18:07:18 WRN] Code:AbpStudio:NugetPackageNotFound
[18:07:18 WRN] Details:
[18:07:18 WRN] ---------- Exception Data ----------
PackageId = Volo.Abp.Studio.Extensions.StandardSolutionTemplates
Version = 0.7.1

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 17, 2025, 10:38