After upgrade to ABP 8.2.1 from ABP 7.2, login as host admin, The "Saas" menu (used for setup tenants and editions) are not visible any more.
I checked the from Administration Db, the AbpPermissionGrants table records are same.
10 Answer(s)
Can you check the permissions(in the permission modal of user or role) of the current user? Does he have saas permissions?
And what's your project info?
- UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM / Blazor Server
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no
Can you check the permissions(in the permission modal of user or role) of the current user? Does he have saas permissions?
And what's your project info?
- UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM / Blazor Server
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no
Micro Services UI: Angular Db: MongoDB
After login to the app with host admin, with Insomnia copy the access token to request, and get data from the Url: https://localhost:44325/api/abp/application-configuration?IncludeLocalizationResources=False&api-version=1.0
{ "localization": { "values": {}, "resources": {}, "languages": [ { "cultureName": "en", "uiCultureName": "en", "displayName": "English", "twoLetterISOLanguageName": "en" } ], "currentCulture": { "displayName": "English", "englishName": "English", "threeLetterIsoLanguageName": "eng", "twoLetterIsoLanguageName": "en", "isRightToLeft": false, "cultureName": "en", "name": "en", "nativeName": "English", "dateTimeFormat": { "calendarAlgorithmType": "SolarCalendar", "dateTimeFormatLong": "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy", "shortDatePattern": "M/d/yyyy", "fullDateTimePattern": "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", "dateSeparator": "/", "shortTimePattern": "h:mm tt", "longTimePattern": "h:mm:ss tt" } }, "defaultResourceName": "Ess", "languagesMap": { //Omit... }, "languageFilesMap": { //Omit... }, "auth": { "grantedPolicies": { "AbpIdentity.Roles": true, "AbpIdentity.Roles.Create": true, "AbpIdentity.Roles.Update": true, "AbpIdentity.Roles.Delete": true, "AbpIdentity.Roles.ManagePermissions": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityRole": true, "AbpIdentity.Users": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Create": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Update": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Update.ManageRoles": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Update.ManageOU": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Delete": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.ManagePermissions": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Impersonation": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Import": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.Export": true, "AbpIdentity.Users.ViewDetails": true, "AbpIdentity.OrganizationUnits": true, "AbpIdentity.OrganizationUnits.ManageOU": true, "AbpIdentity.OrganizationUnits.ManageRoles": true, "AbpIdentity.OrganizationUnits.ManageMembers": true, "AbpIdentity.ClaimTypes": true, "AbpIdentity.ClaimTypes.Create": true, "AbpIdentity.ClaimTypes.Update": true, "AbpIdentity.ClaimTypes.Delete": true, "AbpIdentity.SettingManagement": true, "AbpIdentity.SecurityLogs": true, "AbpIdentity.Sessions": true, "AbpAccount.SettingManagement": true, "FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures": true, "SettingManagement.Emailing": true, "SettingManagement.Emailing.Test": true, "SettingManagement.TimeZone": true, "AuditLogging.AuditLogs": true, "LanguageManagement.LanguageTexts": true, "LanguageManagement.LanguageTexts.Edit": true, "LanguageManagement.Languages": true, "LanguageManagement.Languages.Create": true, "LanguageManagement.Languages.Edit": true, "LanguageManagement.Languages.ChangeDefault": true, "LanguageManagement.Languages.Delete": true, "TextTemplateManagement.TextTemplates": true, "TextTemplateManagement.TextTemplates.EditContents": true, "OpenIddictPro.Application": true, "OpenIddictPro.Application.Update": true, "OpenIddictPro.Application.Delete": true, "OpenIddictPro.Application.Create": true, "OpenIddictPro.Application.ManagePermissions": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Pro.Applications.Application": true, "OpenIddictPro.Scope": true, "OpenIddictPro.Scope.Update": true, "OpenIddictPro.Scope.Delete": true, "OpenIddictPro.Scope.Create": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Pro.Scopes.Scope": true, "Saas.Tenants": true, "Saas.Tenants.Create": true, "Saas.Tenants.Update": true, "Saas.Tenants.Delete": true, "Saas.Tenants.ManageFeatures": true, "Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings": true, "Saas.Tenants.SetPassword": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Saas.Tenant": true, "Saas.Tenants.Impersonation": true, "Saas.Editions": true, "Saas.Editions.Create": true, "Saas.Editions.Update": true, "Saas.Editions.Delete": true, "Saas.Editions.ManageFeatures": true, "AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Saas.Edition": true, "Payment.Plans": true, "Payment.Plans.Create": true, "Payment.Plans.Update": true, "Payment.Plans.Delete": true, "Payment.Plans.GatewayPlans": true, "Payment.Plans.GatewayPlans.Create": true, "Payment.Plans.GatewayPlans.Update": true, "Payment.Plans.GatewayPlans.Delete": true, "Payment.PaymentRequests": true } }, "setting": { "values": { ...//omit } }, "currentUser": { "isAuthenticated": true, "id": "62313e42-ceb3-a848-084e-3a13001ca858", "tenantId": null, "impersonatorUserId": null, "impersonatorTenantId": null, "impersonatorUserName": null, "impersonatorTenantName": null, "userName": "admin", "name": "admin", "surName": null, "email": "", "emailVerified": false, "phoneNumber": null, "phoneNumberVerified": false, "roles": [ "admin" ], "sessionId": "a1548e95-1015-4455-8dbb-6e4929686da7" }, "features": { "values": { "Identity.TwoFactor": "Optional", "Identity.MaxUserCount": "0", "Account.EnableLdapLogin": "False", "Identity.EnableOAuthLogin": "False", "SettingManagement.Enable": "true", "SettingManagement.AllowChangingEmailSettings": "false", "LanguageManagement.Enable": "true", "TextManagement.Enable": "true", "AuditLogging.Enable": "true", "AuditLogging.SettingManagement": "false" } }, "globalFeatures": { "enabledFeatures": [] }, "multiTenancy": { "isEnabled": true }, "currentTenant": { "id": null, "name": null, "isAvailable": false }, "timing": { "timeZone": { "iana": { "timeZoneName": "Etc/UTC" }, "windows": { "timeZoneId": "UTC" } } }, "clock": { "kind": "Utc" }, "objectExtensions": { "modules": {}, "enums": {} }, "extraProperties": {} }
After login to the app with host admin, with Insomnia copy the access token to request, and get data from the Url:
Can you check the request-response (
) in your angular app?Check the
request token
as well.And share the logs of this request in your services.
That's strange, Can you share a test project to reproduce?
The version 7 'Saas' menu is shown at the same level as 'Administration', however, with Abp 8.2.3 blank template, the UI looks like this:
If I downgrade the Abp to 8.1.3, "@volo/": "~8.1.3", "@volosoft/": "3.1.1",
Then the "Saas menu appears again at the root level
That's strange, Can you share a test project to reproduce?
Can we have a shared session?
This is an angular issue, I will forward it to our angular team.
Hi DominaTang,
We moved SaaS menu under the administration. If you talking about this, that's not bug but if you say saas menu not visible even under administartion I'll check also for it.
Hi DominaTang,
We moved SaaS menu under the administration. If you talking about this, that's not bug but if you say saas menu not visible even under administartion I'll check also for it.
Yes, under administration menu, the 'Saas' menu item is not there after upgrade to ABP 8.2.x
Can you send your project to: mail please ?