Thank you for all the efforts you put into this framework. We have been happily using ABP Suite for a while now.
For our customers to report issues, we need a ticketing system pretty much like "ABP Support." We believe that such a feature would greatly enhance customer experience and streamline the support process for both your customers and ours. We just wanted to ask if you have any intentions of publishing this as a module in the near future?
We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response.
4 Answer(s)
I will ask the team
Hello Shiwei,
I got an email saying this is closed by ServiceBot. You mentioned that you would be reaching out to the team for input, and I was wondering if there have been any updates or developments regarding it.
Thank you for your help, and I look forward to hearing back from you!
Best, Burkay
Sorry for being late.
Unfortunately, we have no plan to provide this module.
Hello Shiwei,
Thank you for your response.
Best, Burkay