As this is a feature request and not a bug i deleted all predefined stuff.
So what is this all about?
Microsoft is removing basic authentication from 365 managed or exchange online accounts soon:
For now we have to implement custom stuff to make emailing work in abp projects with oauth2 for ms 365.
It would be awesome if the email settings components/pages get a rework to support oauth 2. Because currently host user and tenant users can only put int basic auth stuff.
Don´t hesitate do ask questions abp team. Hope we find a solution to enable users to self configure this in the near future.
Kind regard
Nico from Chrobyte
1 Answer(s)
Thanks for this feature request. I am opening an internal issue(internal repo issue number 19424) for this. We will review this feature and then if we see that it is necessary, it can be added in a short time. However, if it is not a must, we may not be able to spend time on it as a priority. Thank you for your understanding.