Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options => { /* The main point to change your DBMS. * See also HayoonKoreaDbContextFactory for EF Core tooling. */ options.UseMySQL(builder => { builder.TranslateParameterizedCollectionsToConstants(); }); }); Although this bug has been resolved, ABP Studio still has this issue. Could you please let me know when it is expected to be fixed?
ABP Stuio version: V0.9.21 Create a New solution successful but
ERROR DETAILS: "Database migration failed! Error details: [17:07:27 FTL] AbpSolution2 terminated unexpectedly! System.InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression '@__organizationUnitIds_0' could not be translated. Additional information: Primitive collections support has not been enabled. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.
please help me thanks