If you can join me on a call that could help us to resolve this issue quickly
Apologies but online support is not available. Can you please check this url https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5185 And you can cross check this also (admin login) url/4200/openiddict/Applications - edit and can check this url Try to make requireHttps to false in evnroment
Hello can you please add this in redirectUrl of azureAD (Single-page application redirect URI) & in RedirectAllowedUrls in appsetting.json of Auth Server as well https://motrv2.com:44368
Thanks for the overview it looks good. can you also share the steps to reproduce the error while you are doing linked accounts, so i can do the same?
Hello guven.uysall,
Apologies for late response, yes your answer is enough for now.
I am working on the same, will get back to you asap.
regards, Anjali
can you explain the switching account using linked account then token not able to generate step by step so i can reproduce the issue on my side and also validate the process.?
You can override MultiTenantConnectionStringResolver https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/4.2/Connection-Strings#replace-the-connection-string-resolver the resolver which is listed here and use string encryption to encrypt and decrypt https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/String-Encryption