Hello manuel42,
I am trying to reproduce the issue at my end.
Could you please share the UI changes you have done in Default.cshtml
so that we can assist you in better way
Hello mithun,
Please try after changing URL's in appsettings.json
file of *.HttpApi.Host
and *.DBmigrator
In the project shared by you it seems local URL's only .
Please do let me know if it helps to resolve or anything else needed
Thank you, Anjali
Hello https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/6559/StackExchangeRedisRedisTimeoutException-Timeout#answer-b6aac0d5-f5e1-145e-cf82-39ecb0563c4d Have you tried this syncTimeout
Hello mithun
abp new Acme.BookStore -u blazor-server --theme basic -csf app -v 5.3.3
can you please try this command
Have you tried this one if yes and still it is not working then please Follow the below steps
dotnet tool uninstall -g volo.abp.cli
dotnet tool uninstall -g volo.abp.Suite
abp clear-download-cache
Delete folder after running uninstall command (C:\Users\VaibhavDeshpande\.abp)
dotnet tool install -g volo.abp.cli --version 4.2.2
after this sign in with - abp login **userId** -p **password**
abp suite install --v 4.2.2
abp new Acme.BookStore -t app -v 4.2.2 -u angular
In my case I downgraded this to 4.2.2 you use your version here. Please do let me know if this helps you. Thank you
Hello mithun
abp new Acme.BookStore -u blazor-server --theme basic -csf app -v 5.3.3
can you please try this command
Hello SamirBoutazzout,
Can you please try this. Try to add this code in app.component.ts
import { AuthService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { OAuthService } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
import { filter, tap } from 'rxjs';
constructor(private oAuthService: OAuthService , private router: Router, private authService: AuthService) {
.pipe(filter(event => event?.type === 'logout'),
tap(() => {
Hello smansuri without login. I am getting these values
{ "values": { "Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguage": "en", "Abp.Timing.TimeZone": "UTC", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequiredLength": "6", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequiredUniqueChars": "1", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireLowercase": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireUppercase": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.RequireDigit": "True", "Abp.Identity.Password.ForceUsersToPeriodicallyChangePassword": "False", "Abp.Identity.Password.PasswordChangePeriodDays": "0", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers": "True", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.LockoutDuration": "300", "Abp.Identity.Lockout.MaxFailedAccessAttempts": "5", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail": "False", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.EnablePhoneNumberConfirmation": "True", "Abp.Identity.SignIn.RequireConfirmedPhoneNumber": "False", "Abp.Identity.User.IsUserNameUpdateEnabled": "True", "Abp.Identity.User.IsEmailUpdateEnabled": "True", "Abp.Identity.OrganizationUnit.MaxUserMembershipCount": "2147483647", "Abp.Identity.TwoFactor.Behaviour": "Optional", "Abp.Identity.TwoFactor.UsersCanChange": "True", "Abp.Account.EnableLdapLogin": "false", "Abp.Identity.EnableOAuthLogin": "false", "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.Authority": null, "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.ClientId": null, "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.ClientSecret": null, "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.Scope": null, "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.RequireHttpsMetadata": "false", "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.ValidateEndpoints": "false", "Abp.Identity.OAuthLogin.ValidateIssuerName": "false", "Abp.Account.IsSelfRegistrationEnabled": "true", "Abp.Account.EnableLocalLogin": "true", "Abp.Account.TwoFactorLogin.IsRememberBrowserEnabled": "true", "Abp.Account.Captcha.UseCaptchaOnLogin": "False", "Abp.Account.Captcha.UseCaptchaOnRegistration": "False", "Abp.Account.Captcha.VerifyBaseUrl": "https://www.google.com/", "Abp.Account.Captcha.SiteKey": "Test", "Abp.Account.Captcha.Version": "3", "Abp.Account.Captcha.Score": "0.5", "Abp.Account.ProfilePictureSource": "False" } }
If you are not getting the proper response can you please try to update framework.
Can you please elaborate what issue you are facing now?
Hello manuel42 Can you please refer this link https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/2989/Overriding-PersonalInfo-for-extra-properties https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/160/How-to-customize-an-ABP-project
Hello icoretchi,
Could you please share changes done in global.css and global.js which will help me to reproduce the exact issue.
It will help us to assist you in better way
Hi ElifKaya,
As you are trying to hard delete the parent it is throwing error, since the child entities have the parent entity reference (ModelId). By implementing ISoftDelete it is setting IsDeleted to "true", so the reference will exist. So either you can set soft delete for both parent and child entities, or set hard deletion for both.
Also you can try cascade try: .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
FYI: https://docs.abp.io/api-docs/abp/3.1/api/Volo.Abp.ISoftDelete.html Also please refer previous ticket related to this : https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/493/Delete-Parent-Child-Data-in-ABP https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/1136/Is-there-a-good-way-to-delete-related-records
please do let me know if this helps you
Thank you, Anjali