I'll check this , Please Question gathered to here https://abp.io/support/questions/8214
Thank you.
Hello ,
I have created a simple MVC Project and in that project i have created Logout
In a web project created a Account folder and in that create Logout.cshtml.cs
You can see this screenshot in that debugg was hit when click on logout button.
You can refer this link https://github.com/abpframework/abp/tree/dev/modules/account/src
Thank you.
Hello ,
Can you check this docuemnt If it is helpful to resolve your issue https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/15530
Thank you.
Can you write it in English?
Thank you.
Hello ,
Can you please check if it is helpful for you https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/docs/en/Community-Articles/2021-01-20-How-to-Use-PrimeNG-Components-with-the-ABP-Angular-UI/POST.md
Thank you
Please try following steps
Open CMD anywhere
Run command: yarn cache clear
Go to angular folder -
Remove .angular | node_modules | yarn.lock
files the existing folders
Run command: yarn install
Run command: yarn start
Hello ,
Can you please check this similar issue https://abp.io/support/questions/7568/PackageId--VoloAbpStudioExtensionsStandardSolutionTemplates-throw--CodeAbpStudioNugetPackageNotFound
Thank you.
Is it work now ?
Hello ,
Can you try to run this command yarn add typescript@latest --save-dev
Thank you.