Could you please elaborate more on your question or please share steps to reproduce the issue.
If you want to make the whole modal window larger then you have to apply the css for abp-modal only. but it will affect on all the abp-modal in your application. for example if I add below code in style.scss
--bs-modal-width: 800px;
It will not done through abp-lookup-input.
Otherwise you have to customize it at your own.
Sorry but it is not available yet and We have no plan to do it.
Hello ,
You can pass options to abp-modal as follows:
<abp-modal [(visible)]="visible" [busy]="modalBusy" [options]="{ size: 'sm' }">
Allowed size options are: 'sm' | 'lg' | 'xl' |
Thank you.
Hello ,
Please check https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/2509/Remove-Pay-tables-from-Database-through-migrations#answer-81fc4c0a-24eb-af2a-b398-3a01c1e58c5b if it helps you.
Thank you.
You can customize < abp-modal >as per you requirement in html file. Please check this source code Click here
Thank you.
Hello ,
It is possible, you have to customize abp modal at you own side. just like Click here
Thank you.
As you have checked https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/3592/How-do-I-force-the-Blazor-toolbar-to-refresh , I also implemented same. Its working at my end like this
I have changed my sidemenu
layout totopmenu
layout and add the code like in solution
Please give a try.
Hello ,
Try to run this command npm i jquery-validation@1.19.5
Thank you.