Activities of "EngincanV"



make sure your project, CLI and suite are the same version

** I have tried that as well.

C:\Users\anjaneyulu.u>abp suite [13:14:59 INF] ABP CLI 7.0.0 Starting Suite v7.0.0 ... Opening http://localhost:3000 Press Ctrl+C to shut down. [13:16:02 ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ---------- { "code": null, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "data": {}, "validationErrors": null }

[13:16:02 ERR] Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'Properties[2].EnumValues.Individual', line 69, position 26. Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'Properties[2].EnumValues.Individual', line 69, position 26. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Null object cannot be converted to a value type.

Hi, it seems your entity's metadata (the .json file under the entities folder of your solution) is not in the correct format. Can you share the entities folder and all of the json files?

I have resolved most of the issues, but putting some conditions in service worker.js file as that was not there in default file that was provided by ABP solution, can you please confirm the code that I have written so far, thanks

I haven't tried your code yet, but it seems all right and covers most scenarios including showing profile images. You can customize this file to your needs without the need to worry.

Okay, we will try it and then let you know the result as soon as possible.Thank you for your patience.

Any news about it?

Hi, sorry for the late response. We were able to reproduce the problem and created an internal issue for this.

Your ticket is refunded. Regards.

Hi, we will test and write back asap. Regards.


So, I got the CMS-Kit Pro module working with source code in my abp webapp blazor solution, but not sure how I render the CMS content (menus, pages, blogs, etc..) in the abp webapp blazor application. The only demo I saw to render content is the CMS public website but it is not compatible with my blazor web app application.

I do not really need a public website, can you provide guidance on how to render CMS content from the CMS-Kit Pro

Hi, can you please create a new question? This ticket is related to how to integrate the CMS Kit Pro module into the Blazor WebApp and to better keep track of it, it would be better if it's asked in a separate question. Thanks for understanding.


Hi, it seems an error occurs when Suite tries to generate proxies (for only ms solution, as far as I see). I'm able to reproduce the problem and will fix it asap. Btw, I have refunded your ticket.

Best regards.

May I have a status update on this please?

Hi, I could successfully reproduce the error with your entity metadata. I have created an internal issue for it and will fix it asap. You can manually update the method name on the UI side for a quick workaround.


Have you looked into this?

Hi, I have tried just before but unfortunately, I'm unable to reproduce it, due to missing parts (enum files etc...). If it's possible can you share the full application via email with us, so we can better assist you?

Hi, it seems an error occurs when Suite tries to generate proxies (for only ms solution, as far as I see). I'm able to reproduce the problem and will fix it asap. Btw, I have refunded your ticket.

Best regards.

Hi, thanks for reporting this problem. We successfully identified the problem and will fix it asap. In the meantime, you can add the related CMS Kit Pro package to the Blazor.Client project as well. Btw, I have refunded your ticket.


Hi, Thank you for identifying the problem and issuing the refund. I appreciate your prompt response.

I need a bit more clarification regarding the suggested workaround. When you mentioned adding the related CMS Kit Pro package to the Blazor.Client project, which package should I add to get CMS pro working, tried a handful of packages but none worked for me.

Thank you

Hi, sorry for the late response. You should add the Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Admin.Blazor.WebAssembly package into your *.Blazor.Client project and add the [DependsOn(typeof(CmsKitProAdminBlazorWebAssemblyModule))] statement to the top of your *.Blazor.Client project's module class.

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