Activities of "EngincanV"

Hi, Thanks for your reply. However, this approach is not feasible for our requirement. What we need is -

A report with list of users present in the system with last login date and time. The management needs such kind of report on a need basis. Is there a way query this information and provide it for all the users in the system.

When I try to filter security logs by action as Logout, I don't see any results. Looks like the Logout action is not captured in Audit logs.

Hi @Repunjay,

1-) There is not any build-in way to get list of users with last login date and time. You need to implement it by yourself. You can use IIdentitySecurityLogRepository. (You need to query AbpSecurityLogs table of your database by your needs.)

  • You can also completely rewrite the function of the security log.

2-) Actually Logout action is captured. You can view it from Security Logs page. By the way, Audit logs and Security logs are two different things.

  • Security Logs page is used to search and view authentication related operations (login, logout, change password...) in the system.
  • Audit Logs provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event.

You're welcome @Marten, thanks for your clear explanation.

Can you check, you've defined the middleware after the authentication and authorization middlewares?

Important: UseHangfireDashboard should be called after the authentication middleware in your Startup class (probably at the last line). Otherwise, authorization will always fail! =>

Hi @Marten, with v5.0 Hangfire dashboard permission will be added to the framework. In meantime, you can examine the pull request to implement this feature.

Hi @Shoba24, you can simply use window.location.href or window.location.replace("your-url") and if you want to pass a parameter to that page, use data parameter of the action function.

action: function(data) {
    window.location.href = "/product/ +;

P/S : I have actually submitted a similar support ticket for this issue, however I hit an error when submitting. The ticket was still created but not accessible due to error.

Hi @riz1992, thanks for reporting the problem in the page. The question is removed and your credit has been refunded for that question.

You're welcome. You should not use the IMarkdownToHtmlRenderer interface from web layer because it's defined in public-web and it's registration in there. But if you want to use it anyway, you need to add [DependsOn(typeof(YourWebPublicModule))] above of your web module class.

        typeof(YourWebPublicModule) //add this line
    public class YourWebModule : AbpModule

Hi @repunjay, you can find the users login date and time by checking the Action (LoginSucceded) field of the Security Logs page.

You can use IIdentitySecurityLogRepository to list it in your application service.

Also you can use the IIdentitySecurityLogRepository to get your inactive (dormant) users in specified time-range. (Maybe you can get the logged out users (by specifying the action as Logout) and check the user logged in 'x' days)

Hi @zsanhong, in your case the url should be => @page "/Cms/Pages/ViewModel/{id:guid}" Because you need the Id parameter.

Please check the razor page documentation.

Hi, you can override the modal you want by creating the same .cshtml file under the same path and replace the code-blocks by your needs.

For example, lets assume you want to change the save button's text of the Identity/User/EditModal.cshtml. You need to create the cshtml file in the same path (Pages/Identity/Users/EditModal.cshtml) and copy the original .cshtml file of the module and paste it into your page, then make the necessary changes.

        <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button> @* Save button text changed as Submit *@

For more information about Customizing UI, please check the documentation.

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