That worked, thank you! Do you have the reference for the documentation of that? PrincipalAncessor and Claims?
Hi @maliming,
Sorry, your answer it not 100% clear for me. I don't have the Volo.Abp.Features source code in my project, only the package reference for it. I haven't found that peace of code as your image. Where exactly do you want me to check if there is EditionId assigned or not? Besides, the instance for CurrentTenant doesn't have the field EditionId.
I've found the issue. It is requiring TenantId parameter to confirm the email. But, in my template I've removed the Tenant selection on Login Page. So, that is the reason why it is not working. I'll override the ConfirmUserModel to customize that as well.
Thank you!
It seems that is redirecting to Account/ConfirmUser, but, onGetAsync method is redirecting to Account/Login again.
Indeed. If I download a new template and I cannot reproduce the issue. But, in my project it is happening. I have merged all code from 4.3.0-rc.2 template, I don't know what I am missing. Any idea what could be wrong?
Implemented that, and added the code below as suggest by this topic:
services.Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(options => options.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(24));
Running tests right now!
I am still not happy with the solution. It is taking around 8 seconds for the user to load the page, click on login and then be able to type his credential. Is there another option to open straight away the Login page instead of just redirecting it?
Ok, that is not a big deal. Cheers!