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Activities of "Leonardo.Willrich"

  • ABP Framework version: v7.2.0
  • UI type: Blazor WASM
  • DB provider: EF Core

Hi there,

I have an application built in with ABP.IO Blazor WASM framework and another application built with Blazor WASM PWA using native components. This third-party application has to access the method authenticated in the ABP.IO Web API. So far, it is working fine using the token generated by "connect/token", grant type "password" and adding the Tenant ID to the httpclient requests.

But, now the requirements have changed, and our customer wants to use Azure SAML (external login) for logging. In the ABP.IO it seems to be quite straightforward, just adding AddWsFederation method creates a button on the login page and it works ok. However, my other application also has to log in using Azure SAML.

So, how can I request the token if I don't have the username/password anymore? I think the answer is using the "Authentication Code" grant code. But, I'm not sure how it works properly and how can I identify the user and the tenant in this case.

The scenarios are:

  1. Existing users in ABP.IO main application accessing the third-party application for the first time, using Azure AD. In this case, it should just relate to the existing user.
  2. New users in ABP.IO main application accessing the third-party application for the first time, using Azure AD. In this case, it should create a new user, and then, relate to this new user.

Is there any example of how to implement that?

Kind regards, Leonardo Willrich

It worked. Thank you for your catch!

I've deleted all publish folder, have restarted Visual Studio 2022, and like magic, it seems that it is getting the right abp.js. I'll publish and will see it if is working.

That is what I know too. But, wwwroot and node_modules are exactly the same, only the one created in the publish folder is different. That is weird.

Ok, indeed, the published and my local wwwroot are different. Where is abp.js copied when publishing? It should be the same.

Ok, thank you for the reminder. Unfortunately, it is still not working. I'll try to copy my local abp.js just to be sure.

Ok, have run "abp install-libs" and I'm publishing again. I always publish in a local folder and copy the files to IIS.

That is my package.json:

{ "version": "1.0.0", "name": "my-app", "private": true, "dependencies": { "@volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.lepton": "^7.2.1", "@volo/account": "~7.2.1" } }


That is weird, why when running locally it works and when published it doesn't. How should I update in package.json? It is exactly equal to the fresh new template.


I have got a fresh new template, BlazorWASM 7.2.1, I have published and it is working. In the other project that I've mentioned it wasn't working, it is actually working. It is only this project, sbc.dev, that is not working. Let me know if you want me to send all project if required.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 12, 2025, 05:21