<PageHeader Title="@L["Activities"]" BreadcrumbItems="BreadcrumbItems" Toolbar="Toolbar"> </PageHeader>
Is there an easy way to put an icon right next to the Title? or i need to create my own element for it
At the moment, I think the behavior is that, when the mouse is moved way from the panel, the side menu will be hidden. Is there a way to make it simpler? i.e Once I click it, it shows the side menu. If I click it again, it hides the menu(such that it ignores the position of the mouse)
Hi, Is there a way to swap to a list view in this popup modal? It seems like it is a auto complete component and it is very confused about what users are under a specific tenant
It seems like there is a delay of the css loading every time navigate to a new page, is there a way to avoid this visual effect?