Activities of "Spospisil"

Thank you. That seemed to work although I had to specify the LocalizationTextRecordConsts.MaxValueLength not LanguageTextConsts.MaxValueLength since my error was specific to the LocalizationTextRecord.

I can't do a zoom call with you at the moment. Just need you to tell me what I specifically need to do to override the default max length value.

How do I "Set it in Program.cs in your all host projects. include DbMigrator project."? What is the code specifically because I have no idea how I can override the base default max length value without changing the actual ABP source code.

Thank you for resending the same link I sent you. That was not helpful. And like I pointed out your response to that user made little sense. Please specifically what the code I need to include in my project(s) to fix.

Only seems to be happening to my project, but I have changed nothing when it comes to this module and I believe it started to happen after a recent update with one of the ABP updates along the way. Hard to pinpoint when it started happening as it's not something that causes an error anywhere but I'd like to figure out what is causing it.

Don't know. I'm giving you all the error information. Seems like you answered a similar issue recently but your response to that user makes little sense. This is out of the box functionality that does not appear to be working for whatever reason.


No steps to reproduce. It's just happening. Yes it happens with a new database as well.

I got past the initial error.....however the out of the box solution STILL does not work within a local docker environment. Actually I'm in a worse position now as the API does not even load properly now.

Can you please provide step by step documentation on how to get the out of the box solution you created to work within a local docker environment.

Again, I am using exactly the same version of ABP you used and cannot get it to run.


So, not surprisingly to me the out of the box solution produced using the version you specified be used does not even build, so I'll have to spend some time here first figuring out what the issue is in the build before trying out the solution you suggested.

Any assistance you could provide to the error I'm getting out of the box would be very helpful.

PS C:\bookstore\bookstore\etc\docker> .\run-docker.ps1 docker-compose : Creating network "bookstore-network" with driver "bridge" At C:\bookstore\bookstore\etc\docker\run-docker.ps1:16 char:1

  • docker-compose up -d
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Creating networ...driver "bridge":String) [], RemoteException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Building db-migrator #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.local #1 sha256:6c9be97f9f8271f05874fb52f7bcccfc4c31691a1c114c723c053b1529d83196 #1 transferring dockerfile: 38B done #1 DONE 0.0s #2 [internal] load .dockerignore #2 sha256:3b5b004ae2d4be64dd318933a5c91a53c3bacf0671f5b5de5016f34a1e1cd992 #2 transferring context: 366B done #2 DONE 0.0s #3 [internal] load metadata for #3 sha256:bd81707146cb292c295dcfd83d3d7f373e1cbce6796768c5454f972e96118801 #3 DONE 0.0s #4 [1/3] FROM #4 sha256:fca9347c67c2a2d23af44c6e8d6dcb7691ddb36bcfa46dbc8c338612349514b9 #4 CACHED #5 [internal] load build context #5 sha256:4ad41e85c8cbe41a30b57549e8807d3a01884469bba0e31295e5db07c821fdcd #5 transferring context: 25B done #5 DONE 0.0s #6 [2/3] COPY bin/Release/net7.0/publish/ app/ #6 sha256:3dac2ec270c0eea5c43deffff9c7b9aec2e2c1f1ff0da08cefe6ec900288542d #6 ERROR: "/bin/Release/net7.0/publish" not found: not found

[2/3] COPY bin/Release/net7.0/publish/ app/:

failed to compute cache key: "/bin/Release/net7.0/publish" not found: not found Service 'db-migrator' failed to build : Build failed

So, not surprisingly to me the out of the box solution produced using the version you specified be used does not even build, so I'll have to spend some time here first figuring out what the issue is in the build before trying out the solution you suggested.

Showing 61 to 70 of 191 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30