Engadgement email system!
System that handles incrementally sending emails to tenants after they sign up. Totally configurable with great UI overview.
Scenario: Tenant signs up today. Tommorow we send them an email with links and information to our docs. 1 week later we send them an email about something else they can/should do. Then we send them an email after 4 weeks with some poll on how things are going.
We can also send them emails based on values from a database. Say “BankAccountInfoAdded=false” will send a reminder email reminding them to do this. If its true then the email will not be sent.
I at least would love some help retaining my customer with a system like this and not having to program it all for each and every scenario.
Its planned tomorrow. You can see that indormation on the Discord server.
Add Architecture Tests (e.g. NetARchTest in the templates to guide best practises.
p.s Is it possible to have the cursor in the URL field when adding a link so you can Ctrl+v after hitting the link icon (and can we also please have a Ctrl+k or Ctrl+L to get that modal open?)
This will finally come in version 7.4 https://commercial.abp.io/releases/pr/14629
ABP Suite most wanted feature has been implemented.Your custom code will not be overwritten anymorehttps://commercial.abp.io/releases/pr/14629
AWESOME to see Suit getting some love! 🦾
create a single-layer template from the open-source side.you just need to replace the authentication.
And can I use the CMS module (that has the blog capabilities) with it?
I haven´t had time to look at this again so don´t close this!
Create a template that can be used for super cheep hosting on Azure Static Web were it can use Azure Functions to authenticate and get static data from Sqlite (or in memory read from file?).
I for example want to switch from my Ghost.org blog to that and just for my personal blog and want to use abp.io CMS Blogging capabilities.
For this I only need to log in (password can be static in the Azure Functions and the blog could come from Sqlite
Let Suite respect the partial keyword so we can at least create our own partial classes where our code is safe from being overridden by the tool.
Now it just deletes everything and overrides the whole class so the Suite generation fails because the partial keyword is removed.
If Suite can´t be less intrusive (pasting new code over everything) and just update the code I would personally I would like for you to implement partial design for the AppService, Managers and repository classes where people are mostly changing and updating code.
Suite is just a one-time-creation tool and that is hindering its full potentials and usefulness!