Please specify where I broke ABP design: both applications 1 and applications 2 - are ABP-framework-based. Permissions are set in application 1, since it's a "main" application. The issue was that the permissions set in application 1 were not applied to application 2. I found "workaround", but my question in the first place would be: "Why they are not applied to application 2? They are not applied even if a distributed cache key is not set in both applications. Is it because the cache in both applications is separate? Is using Redis cache a way to go then?"
I understood my mistake in the code: I am missing setting current tenant before changing cache. I am going to send tenant GUID from RabbitMq sender.
Anyway, here's the override of PermissionAppService
in back-end 1:
using Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Authorization.Permissions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using System.Linq;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using AbxEps.RabbitMq.Client;
using AbxEps.RabbitMq.Client.Messages;
using AbxEps.Fines;
namespace AbxEps.CentralTools
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class CentralToolsPermissionAppService : PermissionAppService
private readonly IRabbitMqManager _rabbitMqManager;
public CentralToolsPermissionAppService(
IPermissionManager permissionManager,
IPermissionDefinitionManager permissionDefinitionManager,
IOptions<PermissionManagementOptions> options,
IPermissionStateManager permissionStateManager,
IRabbitMqManager rabbitMqManager)
: base(permissionManager, permissionDefinitionManager, options, permissionStateManager)
_rabbitMqManager = rabbitMqManager;
public override async Task UpdateAsync(string providerName, string providerKey, UpdatePermissionsDto input)
await base.UpdateAsync(providerName, providerKey, input);
var cacheRabbitMqInput = new CacheRabbitMqInput(input.Permissions.Select(x => x)
.ToDictionary(x => PermissionGrantCacheItem.CalculateCacheKey(x.Name, providerName, providerKey), x => x.IsGranted));
await _rabbitMqManager.CreateSender().SendAsync(new RabbitMqMessage<CacheRabbitMqInput>
RoutingKey = "AbxEps-Abp-Caching",
Body = cacheRabbitMqInput
Here's the triggered RabbitMq subscription in back-end 2:
using Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.EventBus.Distributed;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Caching;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AbxEps.RabbitMq.Client.Receivers;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using AbxEps.RabbitMq.Client.Extensions;
using System.Linq;
namespace AbxEps.Fines
public class FinesRabbitMqReceiver : RabbitMqReceiverBase
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public FinesRabbitMqReceiver(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base("AbxEps-Abp-Caching")
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public override async Task<object> Received(BasicDeliverEventArgs @event)
using var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope();
var permissionGrantCache = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IDistributedCache<PermissionGrantCacheItem>>();
var permissions = @event.ToDataObject<Dictionary<string, bool>>();
await permissionGrantCache.SetManyAsync(
permissions.Select(permission =>
new KeyValuePair<string, PermissionGrantCacheItem>(permission.Key, new PermissionGrantCacheItem(permission.Value))));
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
Does this approach to refresh permissions in another app looks OK or I'm missing a better ABP approach?
UPDATE: i've used RabbitMq to notify Angular 2 about permission changes in Angular 1. I am now trying to modify Angular 2 permission cache via SetManyAsync
- it adds the values to the cache in Angular 2, but it still does not reflect the changes on page refresh...
I am running two Angular apps: https://localhost:4200 (Permissions are assigned and consumed here) and https://localhost:4201 (Permissions are only consumed here). Each of these two Angular apps have own HTTP API host (and own full-fledged ABP-based solution) and they share the same Identity Server.
To control full set of permission in app Angular 1, I have Nuget package of Application.Contracts
project from Solution 2 in Application.Contracts
project of Solution 1:
So far so good. I can see and change role permissions:
The problem is that the changes made in Angular 1 are not reflected in Angular 2 - I still can see or not see the protected pages after page reload or re-login:
I've tried to override and play with IDistributedCache<PermissionGrantCacheItem>
, but it does not work - most likely because both hosts have separate caches. But how to resolve the described issue then?
I am sorry, but I am now allowed to share the project. What I can do is just to show some informational screendumps, send logs and separate code files... Please let me know if I can measure some additional timings somewhere, etc. Now - just some thoughts: when I use Postman to send API requests - first TTFB is large, that's right, second and further - 10 and more times decreased. That would explain DI initialization. But in real situation, when I refresh the same page in Angular app - I am getting almost the same big timings. For instance, first run ~5-6sec per lookup API request. Next run ~1.5-3sec. Next run - about the same time... Next run - attention - ~4sec again!! Even retrieving refresh tokens at IdentityServer takes ages:
UPDATE: I've updated my controllers - removing all appservices instantiation at all. There is no DB access to retrieve data now anywhere, empty data is returned:
public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<LookupItemDto<int>>> GetOwnerAsync([FromRoute] string languageCode = null)
return new PagedResultDto<LookupItemDto<int>> { Items = new List<LookupItemDto<int>>(), TotalCount = 0 };
Also, made all API calls anonymous and without audit logging. And TTFB is still unsasisfactory. Any ideas?
DB resides on Azure cloud. Everything the rest - on localhost. Just in case: I won't be able to create local copy of DB if it is needed for a deeper testing. But as I already mentioned, sometimes there are unexplained lags even if I don't access DB.
I returned from vacation and keep on testing. I am not sure now it's a DB thing.
request from DB via appservice and TTFB was about 3-4s. Then I replaced the AbpController
code which accesses DB via appservice with already mentioned above List<int>
public virtual async Task<List<int>> GetModuleTypeAsync([FromRoute] string languageCode = null)
return new List<int>
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 999, 10000
// AppService DB request is commented!!!
And TTFB still is 3s!
What do you suggest? Probably it has something to do with appservice DI instantiation in AbpControllers? I tried to run it in several mins when writing to you - and the time is about 50-60ms! Another API request - with appservice engaged, run straight after this, is 200-300ms...
So in other words - sometimes TTFS is more or less OK. But sometimes it is inacceptibly slow. I need to find a root cause. Emphasizing - everything is tested on localhost, VS 2020 / 2022.
I took a look at the log, trying to find information for the case when TTFB was about 3s. Please have a look at this:
2021-09-07 18:01:35.693 +03:00 [INF] Route matched with {area = "app", controller = "FixCodeValue", action = "GetModuleType", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task
1[AbxEps.CT.Core.Shared.LookupItemDto`1[System.Int32]]] GetModuleTypeAsync(System.String) on controller AbxEps.CentralTools.Controllers.FixCodeValues.FixCodeValueController (AbxEps.CentralTools.HttpApi). 2021-09-07 18:01:38.816 +03:00 [INF] Executing action method AbxEps.CentralTools.Controllers.FixCodeValues.FixCodeValueController.GetModuleTypeAsync (AbxEps.CentralTools.HttpApi) - Validation state: "Valid" 2021-09-07 18:01:38.996 +03:00 [INF] Executed action method AbxEps.CentralTools.Controllers.FixCodeValues.FixCodeValueController.GetModuleTypeAsync (AbxEps.CentralTools.HttpApi), returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ObjectResult in 180.5069ms.
UPDATE: for better understanding, I'm attaching zipped log file, where logging level was set to "Debug". This time I tried to run my problematic Details page again. Could you please have a look at the log, probably it will give you some idea?!AhWdpZddvifTtxGBMcuy35NOzw31?e=fSMRYs
On some next run, those times could be 2-3 times less (about 1.5-2sec), which is still pretty much...
UPDATE 2: cold run today, audit and authorization is turned off - debug log displays the gap between those 2 entries:
2021-09-08 11:31:11.624 +03:00 [DBG] Executing controller factory for controller AbxEps.CentralTools.Controllers.FreeCodeValues.FreeCodeValueController (AbxEps.CentralTools.HttpApi) 2021-09-08 11:31:13.063 +03:00 [DBG] Executed controller factory for controller AbxEps.CentralTools.Controllers.FreeCodeValues.FreeCodeValueController (AbxEps.CentralTools.HttpApi)
What is happening in-between? Again, next run of this request takes 255ms, so could look like a DB stuff (and now the data is cached)... But yesterday I saw big time without DB query involved.
makes 2 DB request. one for count one for the list. and I think this duration is OK. 1.44second is acceptable with a fully featured request.
Do you say it adds 300ms when you derive fromAbpController
? See the AbpController base class which uses Lazy properties.
probably i was not precise enough. what i wanted to say is that response time is approx 300ms when not using appservice - just forming test data in controller directly as shown in the code above. if i access real DB data from identityUserService (this exact ABP service is taken just in test purpose, because you know it well) - it is already 4sec which i suppose is too much, because usually it is said one request needs to take less than 1 sec. so what would you suggest?
Here's what I've got after modifications in a test solution:
public class TestController : AbpController
private readonly IIdentityUserAppService _identityUserAppService;
public TestController(IIdentityUserAppService identityUserAppService)
_identityUserAppService = identityUserAppService;
public async Task<PagedResultDto<string>> GetPositionLookupAsync()
var result = await _identityUserAppService.GetListAsync(new GetIdentityUsersInput());
return new PagedResultDto<string>
Items = result.Items.Select(x => x.Email).ToList(),
TotalCount = result.Items.Count
Does it look OK? Even if so - it's a test solution which uses MS SQL Server DB. Our solution uses Oracle and has a lot different functionality on top of standard test solution. Also, replacing MS SQL Server with Oracle in a test solution would take too much effort.
So I suggest to focus on analysis of our problematic solution based on my input in the previous post: 4 sec is an approx response time with no authorization and disabled auditing (almost the same as initially reported time) and 300+ ms is response time with no appservice used. Please suggest what drill-down should I make - like posting some of our AbpModule code etc.
@albert since I will be out for 2 weeks, I've decided to try some experiments right away. Is it essential to create a new controller? If I got you right regarding disabling auditing and authorization, I had to put the following attributes on my controller and appservice:
So after doing this I run existing lookup method from POSTMAN. Result is approximately the same as from Angular app before (response time varies between 4 and 16 seconds depending on how many times I run the same details page):
Researching further... So now I have to try a new controller or new Net Core project... It will take more time.
Here's new controller with a very simple output, no appservice used:
public class TestController : AbpController
public TestController()
public List<int> GetPositionLookupAsync()
return new List<int>
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 999, 10000
Is this time still NOT OK? I mean it is noticeably less than previous, but this code does not use DI (getting appservice instance), does not access DB... And it is still 300+ ms... Should I proceed with a new project or should I proceed with investigating appservice code somehow?
UPDATE: in fact I have had test solution based on ABP Framework 4.3.0. I used the same test method as above and here is the timing from Swagger (I did not manage to run it from Postman, getting some weird Invalid character in header content ["Host"] error, even though there was nothing wrong with the URL):
Looking forward for your recommendation as to my next actions.