Activities of "alper"


that's for MVC projects. Sorry but there's no Angular components for Bootstrap.


license team has contacted you via email.

yes correct

ABP Framework is using the following library for Dynamic LinQ Queries


In the old versions of EF (like EF6 it was supported) but in EF Core you cannot write a query and use a string sortable field.

On the other hand, you can write a query like below:

using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core;

  var dbSet = await GetDbSetAsync();
            return await dbSet
                    author => author.Name.Contains(filter)

this notation is frequently used in our samples =>

but again afaik you cannot write such a query:

var query = from supplyNetwork in queryable
                join networkType in _networkTypeRepository on supplyNetwork.NetworkTypeId equals networkType.Id
                orderby input.Sorting // it is not supported by EF Core
                select new { supplyNetwork, networkType }

you can use it like;

query = query.OrderBy(input.Sorting);

PS: don't forget to import using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core

closing the issue since it's fixed in the dev branch. you can always reopen if you reproduce it after v4.3

I think there's also another method for your second "auto generated" action in LitmusUserAppService. You can disable your application service so that it doesn't expose its methods as WebAPI

public class LitmusUserAppService : ApplicationService


we are not experienced in Telerik components but will check this. by the way did you find a solution?

are you using subdomains for tenant selection in your test?

I think it should capture that Google Authentication is used. and I guess it navigates to Google which we don't capture it.

loginPage has a returnUrl parameter in MVC side. If you send a returnUrl parameter it should navigate to your URL

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 19, 2024, 12:56