Activities of "alper"

You can download the source-code of LeptonX

1- via ABP Suite

2- via ABP CLI

abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro

This issue has been resolved. maybe @cagriceylan can explain how we solved it

this is a consultancy issue rather than a technical support ticket.

do you have a single sign on endpoint? like

Follow the steps below to get support from the Blazorise team and get your Blazorise license key:

  1. Sign up for a new account at with the same email address as your account. Leave the "License Key" entry blank. It must be the same email address as your email account on
  2. Verify your email address by checking your email box. Check your spam box if you don't see an email in your inbox!
  3. Log into the Blazorise support website at
  4. If you have an active ABP Commercial license, you will also have a Blazorise PRO license. You can get your Blazorise license key at
  5. You can post your questions on the support website and generate a product token for your application.

This is not directly related to ABP :)

what's your suggestion @yekalkan?


we are in progress of building an integration btw our customers and Blazorise platform. In the meanwhile you can write your issue here so that we'll forward it to Blazorise

so you have only navigation property. no other properties right?

ABP suite is almost unusable to maintain an application, especialy after a while when modifications has occured in the first version of generated code. Doing a simple update, like adding a new field to an entity, has 95% odds to break the code, the tests, and needs manual file comparisons, fixes and implies a lot of error possibilites.

But, I think that if the first class generated were made using partial class and partial methods... and the code being generated marked by #region block and/or some comments marker like "/* ABPSuite generated code, do not do code change below/above */, then it will make updates possible (and easier to deal with in ABP Suite code generator).

Then, some "inteligence" could be added in the code generatior and start to "update the code", not just restarting from scratch and igoring the changes made by others...

ABP Suite is a nice tool, able to save us A LOT of time, but it misses some features to still be a great value after the initial applcation creation.

I totally agree with you Francois... And already created an internal feature issue for this. Not an easy feature to implement but we'll do our best.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30