if you want to delete an entity from your solution, Suite doesn't delete them. it only removes them from Suite. You need to delete those entities from your code.
first of all you cannot use abp suite update command to downgrade to a specific Suite version. It only works at upgrade as I see you have installed the v3.3.2 sucessfully. but there's still ABP 4.0 packages in your bin & obj folder. close your Visual Studio and delete all bin & obj folders and make sure you have 3.3.2 in your *.csproj files.
try adding pooling parameter to the connection string.
also you can use DbContextOptionsBuilder for adding AddDbContextPool
after DbContextOptionsBuilder
@murat.yuceer I created an internal issue (#4232) to reproduce and fix this.
EF Core (SQL Server)
hi, I didn't mention a release date for exporting entities feature. I just say it's in the roadmap, maybe v4.1... for the workaround go to the following directory to get your entity json files.
if you have created a 4.0 project, the entities will be under your solution's root directory
hi, I've checked your license and updated. must be fixed.
hi, I guess you are using the seperated identity server architecture. it seems like the, there's an issue about retreiving the role claims. when there's no role claims, permissions are not working properly.
this is most probably an Identity Server configuration issue. I'll try to reproduce it in my local.
hi, when you add these modules add NuGet reference there'll be no Domain Classes or other classes will be added. you enable the payment gateways from appsettings.json
And you can use the payment app services now. Check out https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/modules/payment#sample
In the *.EntityFrameworkCore
, there's *EntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs
And there'll be options.UseNpgsql()
or options.UsePostgreSql()
you can pass options to this method see https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/framework/src/Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSql/Volo/Abp/EntityFrameworkCore/AbpDbContextOptionsPostgreSqlExtensions.cs#L11