Activities of "alper"

can you write the solution for others?


you can create a new user and use the second user in your 3rd machine.


module-pro can be used in app-pro templates. free modules can be used in open-source templates.


this is just a flag to have you programmatically write logical business. for example, you can show a user's public roles in your module. imagine that you are developing a QuestionAnswer module like StackOverflow, and you want to show user's role next to their names. and you create 2 roles : customers and support team. you set "support team" as public so that you can show these guys are from support team. and you don't set "customers" role as public, so that it'll not be written customer next to the customer's name.

this is just a simple flag for developers to build extra logic on top of it. other that, it's not functional in the current application template.


ok. I can reproduce it. the issue will be fixed in the next version (v4)

send a copy of your project so that we'll see the issue. please clear all bin & obj folders before zipping. send to

closing the issue. send an email to

extra information: you cannot use your username in more than 2 different computers. if you want to develop your application in a VM / Docker you need to publish it in release mode and your VM's environment variable must be ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Release or ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Staging or anything else rather than ~~ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development~~

thanks for the information. the issue has been addressed here will be fixed in the v4.0 release


is your Suite version and your ABP project version same? this is important

if your client is a C# client then it's easy. Share the HttpApi.Client project with your custom client and call your API endpoints without using a RestClient. There's a sample app in your solution. Go to test folder in your root path of your solution. Find *.HttpApi.Client.ConsoleTestApp. It makes a request to gets user profile (which requires authentication). The authentication credentials must be given in appsettings.json file

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 11, 2024, 11:11