that's normal and by design.. when there's only MVC project then there'll not be an aspnet-core
we fixed the issue and you will get the fixed version with v3.1.1 .
while we release v3.1.1 you can do the following workaround to continue your development.
Go to your project root path where you see aspnet-core
create a new folder "angular".
go to the new folder angular and create a new folder and name it "angular" inside the "angular" folder.
then create ".suite" folder inside angular.
and create "schematics" folder inside ".suite".
and create "commands" folder inside "schematics".
so you'll have this folder structure:
super! closing this
why you don't want to seed the tenant database?
use string.IsNullOrEmpty
I think it checks the URL with port. did you fix it?
closing due to inactivity...
@DesarrolloMarena did you manage to create the Controller?
closing the question... the File Management Angular UI is under development. the plan is releasing it on v3.2 so you'll try to add it when we release 3.2, if you face any issues, you can reopen this question.