Activities of "alper"

@ninomartini , to install the ABP Suite specific version, check out this

ABP Suite is served from the private NuGet webservice at So you need to add the parameter add-source to your command.

dotnet tool install -g volo.abp.suite --version 2.9 --add-source

You need to add your private NuGet API key. You can find it from

@pkouame, your 3 bug reports have been refunded as credits (you have 18/20 while it was 15/20).

for this issue, this has been fixed in the latest version (v3.X). I suggest you to update your project and Suite as well. by the way, v3.0.3 is releasing tomorrow (2020-07-08), you can wait for that version.

See the latest template...

this is expected behaviour. the phone field is not marked as required but you set min max length. so user can leave this field empty, but if any value is entered, it must be with min 1, max 50 characters.

The issue has been fixed in v3.0.3 ( this version will be released in 2020-07-08)

it's not a show stopper. you just need to manually change Guid? to int? in VendorTestController.cs that's all.

@pkouame , we are checking the issue now.

so try to implement it for now with the links provided by @gterdem. if you fall into any blocking case, we can help you on that.

if the aspnetboilerplate implementation doesn't help you, we can write a doc about this usage, but this can be in v3.0 or in v3.1.


See this to understand how to use RegEx in String properties =>

Also there doesn't seem to be problem for nullable fields. You cannot set a String field nullable, because strings are already nullable, you can set other fields as nullable or not nullable.

For your further questions, could you please create a new ticket, because this thread is only for reproduced bugs.

The regular expressions can be used in String properties. For example, let's define a zip code validation. Zip code must be 5 characters length decimal. Use the following expression to validate this rule.

Regular expression:


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30