Activities of "alper"

try to remove suite and install again. showing login page everytime you open the website is weird. Do you want to show login page even the user is authenticated?

@edirkzwager, for your Suite installation problem, I see that you have added to your NuGet sources. And Microsoft Dotnet Tool is searching Volo.Abp.Suite in Try to install it from the following command. Make sure to replace the YOUR-PRIVATE-API-KEY with yours (it's in your project's NuGet.Config file)

dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Suite --add-source -g

if your problem is not solved, create a new question .

@edirkzwager I understand that you want to remove jQuery. If it gets in the bundle again after you remove it, it means you are removing it in earlier. ABP has several modules, these modules add their client-side dependencies one by one. If you remove jQuery in application project, then it'll be added in Web layer. So make sure you remove it in Web project. By the way I removed without facing any issues. Can you open a new question to track this..

MVC / Angular?

  1. Is ABP.IO easier to upgrade than Aspnetzero? This has been a major problem with aspnetzero.
    1. ABP is easy upgradable, we worked hard to make it so. Even the theme is replaceble / upgradable. But if you customize the source-code of a module, then you need to merge it manually There are many extension points that you can easily customize the existing features. See .
  2. If we use Razor pages, are they easy to convert across to Blazor?
    1. Blazor is on the roadmap, but not high priority. Because, there are some more important features to be included in the application templates and the framework. So for now, it's luxury! But you can start to migrate to Blazor. If you stuck at any step, we'll help.
  3. Are there any issues/constraints with with PostgreGIS db?
    1. I don't have experience with PostgreGIS. This is completely related with EF Core PostgreSQL provider. Because the framework doesn't touch the EF Core internals. Even you face any issue, we'll try to help, if it's related with the framework.
  4. Is it possible (and how hard) to migrate a project from to ABP Commercial?
    1. It's not a big issue. But requires copy-paste your custom development. The team License costs $1999 (cost of a junior's 10 days work). So if a juinor spends 2 weeks to migrate, then it'll cost you 2X. I'd start with the commercial, If I was planning to migrate in the future.


@sean.alford solved a similar issue, try those steps.


we'll try to not make radical change. (the community didn't like the color transitions of the previous theme, that's why all the styles are completely revised and changed by our designer). If you need fine tuning , you can add a global CSS and overwrite the existing ones with !important keyword.

for the entity change history and for the Angular permission tab, I've created an issue to the team, they'll check it.

DbMigrator, creates the database, applies migrations and seeds data. Good to hear it works.

it's good to keep with the new theme but if you want to retain the old theme styles, copy your existing lepton.css and paste to your web project. and replace LeptonStyle contributor with your own css. But I'd suggest you to migrate to the new theme. changing your images and custom styles will be easier.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30