appsettings.production.json is a dotnet file and ng build is an Angular command. what's the correct result that you expect? can you give more details?
could you pls create a new ticket for the new question.
can you check out this
Suite version and application version must be the same, see
if you update the project via Suite and revert it back Suite will not show the update. you can remove the project from Suite and add it again to refresh its data.
there's not much thing we can do for the false-positive alert. we are using the latest version of Toast UI and we cannot replace it or change the source of this 3rd party. you may ask your system administrator to set it as false-positive.
Can you try to create a new ABP project and test if the same issue occurs on a brand new project?
you may need to clear your browser cookies. both website are HTTPS?
But why you don't just override the GetAsync()
method of TenantConfigurationProvider
in your project.
This method is virtual and you can override it.
Create your own custom class and override it in your domain project.
[Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection.Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class MyTenantConfigurationProvider : TenantConfigurationProvider
public MyTenantConfigurationProvider(
ITenantResolver tenantResolver,
ITenantStore tenantStore,
ITenantResolveResultAccessor tenantResolveResultAccessor) :
base(tenantResolver, tenantStore, tenantResolveResultAccessor)
public override async Task<TenantConfiguration> GetAsync(bool saveResolveResult = false)
return await Task.FromResult(new TenantConfiguration(Guid.Empty, "dummy"));