Activities of "balessi75"

We are looking to change only the html on the error page. So we followed the instructions here:

In following those instructions, we created a modified Default.cshtml under the same folder structure in our project as defined in Abp (see below). The problem is though that we don't see our changes and the Abp error page still shows. Any ideas?

**ABP Commercial 7.01 / Blazor Server/ EF **

Hi, we are using the Lepton theme and would like to replace the default 404 error page. How can this be done?

ABP Commercial 7.0.1 / Blazor Server / EF / Non tiered / Seperated Host and Tenant DBs

Hi, we have a requirement to dynamically change the branding logo on the upper left of the screen when logged in (2 different possible logos).

We understand that we can override the DefaultBrandingProvider to specify a LogoUrl and LogoReverseUrl dynamically.

The problem we are having though is how to specify different sizing depending on which logo we show.

For example, the following works for one logo... but a different height and top value needs to be defined for the other logo.

.navbar-brand {
    height: 15px;
    top: 26px;

Thanks for confirming the fix in the next version. The workaround for now works as expected.

Hi @maliming,

We are using Lepton.

ABP Commercial 7.0.1 / Blazor Server / EF / Non tiered / Seperated Host and Tenant DBs

When clicking the "Manage Host Features" button, the vertical tabs for each management area is unintentinally on top of the "Feature Management" dialog.

This was reproduced with a newly templated blazor server solution.

ABP Commercial 7.0.1 / Blazor Server / EF / Non tiered / Seperated Host and Tenant DBs

We have a requirement for every tenant to have its own separate database were we cannot use SQL server's integrated security in each tenant's connection string. Therefore, a user name and password needs to be specified in each tenant connection string defined in the SaasTenantConnectionStrings table on the host DB.

Because of this, we have a requirement to encrypt the connection string in the SaasTenantConnectionStrings table.

What is the recommended approach to allow for the connection string to be encrypted when adding/saving a tenant. Additionally what would need to be overridden/replaced in order for the framework to be able to decrypt the connection string when working with a tenant?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @maliming,

You can reproduce 3 sorting issues using the project.

  1. Extended properties (mapped to EF) on ABP entities do not sort properly. You can see this by trying to sort on the "Host" column in the tenant management page
  2. Boolean properties for ABP entities do not sort properly. You can see this by sorting on the "Active" column under the User Management page.
  3. User Management's calculated "Roles" column does not have sorting enabled. If we replace/override the user management page and make the column sortable, we receive the following exception...

No property or field 'RoleNames' exists in type 'IdentityUser' (at index 24)

            .AddRange(new TableColumn[]
                        new TableColumn {
                            Title = L["Roles"],
                            Data = nameof(IdentityUserDto.RoleNames),
                            ValueConverter = (data) =>
                                var roleNames = (data as IdentityUserDto)?.RoleNames;
                                return roleNames == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(", ", roleNames);
                            Sortable = true

Is sorting with paged result sets supported with this kind of calculated column?

Hi @maliming,

Just wanted to thank you for the quick turnaround on this issue. Your solution worked perfectly. Thank you, we appreciate the support!

ABP Commercial 7.0.1 / Blazor Server / EF / Non tiered

We noticed that, if we extend a dependent module's entity with a new column (for example, adding an 'EmployeeId' property to the IdentityUser entity), the new property is listed in the gird, but it's sort does not work properly. It seems to sort for the first page of results, but the sort does not work across multiple page results.

Additionally, we noticed that Boolean columns in the dependent modules do not sort correctly either. For example, in the user listing, if we sort by 'Active' we would expect the inactive users to be listed first - instead the sort seems somewhat random.

Showing 131 to 140 of 245 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30