Activities of "berkansasmaz"


Search the code below in your project.

options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("en", "en", "English)

In the files found, you can change the code similar to the code below and use it according to you.

options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("en", "en", "English", flagIcon: "gb"));

Finally, you may need to manually update the AbpLanguages table in your database, or if you can delete your database, you can delete it and run DbMigrator project again.


Hello, can you try again now?

Question 1: Without selecting a tenant I could login to the system but when I select the tenant I cannot login to the system, what did I do wrong?


Here is my second question. When we try to register as new user, can we cancel the event of sending an e-mail to the relevant person? If yes, how will it be?

ABP templates do not send e-mails to newly registered people by default. You must have changed a setting before for this. Please check the settings I have indicated in the screenshot below.

Settings/Identity Management

Additional Information

When I have a problem with the, I tried to register as new user by swithing to Developer tenant. This time I got an smtp error.

If you want the mail never to be sent but only written to the log for a specific environment, you need to follow the code, below:

Add the following code to the ConfigureServices method of MyProjectNameDomainModule in MyProjectName.Domain.

        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>());

First of all, we need to select Identity from the administration items.

Can you try the code below?

administration.Items.Single(x => x.Name == IdentityMenuNames.GroupName).TryRemoveMenuItem(IdentityMenuNames.OrganizationUnits);

Hello, unfortunately, the source code download feature is not active with the Team/Trial license. So it is normal that you cannot download the source code with the Team/Trial license.

As @liangshiwei said, I think there is a misunderstanding.

Under normal circumstances, you shouldn't be able to download the source code of any version, but you said that you downloaded versions before 5.3.4, so I'm opening an internal issue to do detailed research on the subject.



For this, I think it would be sufficient to set the SlidingExpiration of a GlobalCacheEntryOptios(DistributedCacheEntryOptions) in AbpDistributedCacheOptions.

Related document:

Example code from BasketService on eShopOnAbp:

I don't quite understand why you need the same configuration on the UI side? If you think I have misunderstood your question, please feel free to give me more information. Have a nice day.


This process is generally explained in the relevant module's document (for example However, there are some general steps after installation.

  1. Configuring the installed module to use the static proxy instead of the dynamic proxy. See:
  2. Generating static proxy files. See:
  3. and other steps

It is necessary to do these general steps, but we do not have a document on this subject for now. As a result, I'm opening an internal issue on the subject.

Yes, this is not the same error, but there are errors of similar logic. In the startup app module, StartupModuleDbContext is configured according to the new property. Still, since this configuration is not done in the dependent module, the dependent module ModuleDbContext does not know about the newly added property. In order for it to work as you said, this configuration must be done in the module.

I may not have fully understood the problem. So if you think my observations are wrong, please provide more details.

Thank you for the information. Have a nice day.

In the below question, it is explained how to do it with sample codes. However, if you run into a problem, please let us know.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30