Activities of "berkansasmaz"

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I opened an issue.


Have a nice day!

An audit log action is typically a controller action or an application service method call during the web request. One audit log may contain multiple actions.


In other words, even if IsEnabledForGetRequests is false, more than one method can be called in POST(or etc.) requests and they are recorded in the AbpAuditLogActions table. We can understand the GET request from the MethodName according to the convention, but I don't believe this is the right approach for this situation. Maybe it will work more logically and properly to enable/disable AuditLogActionInfo completely.

What are your views on this? Would something like this meet your requirements?

Yes, you are right.

I'm treating this as a feature request and creating an internal issue. Let's take a closer look at what we can do.

Thanks for your understanding, have a nice day.

I'm treating this as a feature request. So I'm going to open an internal issue for it to change based on a setting.

However, you should know that there is no problem with changing the source code for such needs.

Could you please give more details?

Are we talking about the same issue as your issue here?

I think you can use the Global feature system.


For example, the CmsKit module uses the global feature system. If the relevant feature of CmsKit is not enabled, even the database tables for the relevant feature are not created.


I can give the CmsKitDomainModule class as another example. Here, some configurations are made depending on whether the relevant feature is enabled or not.


With similar logic, you can depend on both modules, but their configuration depends on whether the feature is enabled or not.

Note: You must enable/disable the feature dynamically before your related startup module class is called, otherwise the feature will always appear disabled because the dependent modules are called first.

I understand, but it seems to me that doing something like the following is against the design of the Module system.

public class ModuleA : AbpModule 
    public override void ConfigureService(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        if (...)

Because, for example, if your A module depends on module B, then module B is initialized before your A module. Also, it basically executed the ConfigureServices(or other public methods in AbpModule) methods of all the modules by respecting the order of module dependencies.

However, you want to load module B in the ConfigureService of module A.

Maybe I'm wrong, what are your views on this?

This may be because you did not activate the features of Cms-Kit that you want to use.

All features are individually usable. If you disable a feature, it completely disappears from your application, even from the database tables, by the help of the Global Features system.

If that's the problem, after the installation process, open the GlobalFeatureConfigurator class in the Domain.Shared project of your solution and place the following code into the Configure method to enable all the features in the CMS Kit module

GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit =>


I guess you want to conditionally load a module in runtime. If so, ABP's Plug-In modules feature will be useful for you. See:

Hello, thanks for the report.

I'm creating an internal issue on the topic.

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